After an EU demand for concessions, Prime Minister Boris Johnson broke off talks and said it was time to prepare for a no-deal Brexit: the nightmare scenario for business
Earlier, Michael Gove, the minister overseeing Brexit, had said there was agreement on the need to intensify trade talks and work on legal texts, after the negotiations broke down last week
Johnson asks UK to prepare for the latter; UK-based Indian businessmen hope a compromise will be found
Johnson's remarks, which follow an EU demand that London make further concessions, may push Brexit towards disorder
The EU leaders meeting in a summit on the day British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had set as a potential cutoff point for the acrimonious negotiations
The business ministry argues that most of what businesses need to do is the same regardless of the outcome of the negotiations and has planned a series of sector specific webinars in October
Michel acknowledged time was running out on a potential agreement that could save hundreds of thousands of jobs on both sides of the English Channel.
EU deadline for govt to remove sections of Internal Market Bill expired on Wednesday
Michel's ire was raised when Johnson said he would contemplate breaking an agreement he himself signed with the EU
The Internal Market Bill underscores the limitations of UK's EU exit
The British government unveiled draft legislation last week which it acknowledges would violate its international legal obligations
"It's a protection, it's a safety net, it's an insurance policy and it's a very sensible measure," he said
The main opposition Labour party as well as Scottish nationalists and Liberal Democrats are firmly against rescinding international pledges
Johnson government says it is committed to withdrawal of agreement and the protocol relating to Northern Ireland
David Frost and EU negotiator Michel Barnier are due to meet in London on Tuesday for the eighth round of negotiations since Britain left the now 27-nation bloc on January 31
UK left the EU on Jan 31, turning its back after 47 years on the post-World War Two project that sought to build the ruined nations of Europe into a global power
The latest round of talks ended on July 23 when both sides said there is still some way to go to reach a future trading relationship
The two sides have been working to agree a trade deal ahead of that period expiring at the end of the year
Britain formally left the European Union at the end of January but a transition period is in effect until Dec. 31, during which time little changes
Following is the chronology of Brexit as the UK leaves the European Union, more than three and a half years since the country voted for it in a referendum in 2016