The Ashmolean Museum at Oxford University, London, which purchased the Thirumangai Alwar bronze idol in 1967, has agreed to return the idol to Tamil Nadu after the state Idol Wing CID submitted evidence of the idol's trafficking from an ancient temple in Thanjavur district, the police said on Friday. In its recent communication to the Tamil Nadu Idol Wing CID police, the Oxford University has expressed its "commitment to repatriate" the idol said to be worth crores of rupees back to India, due to the wing's efforts, a release here said. "They have also promised to cover all costs associated with transferring the idol from London to India, ensuring that it can be returned to the temple for worship. This marks a significant step in the efforts to return stolen idols to their rightful places of origin," the release said. Efforts were on to bring this idol to Tamil Nadu within a month's time. Director General of Police Shankar Jiwal, appreciated the exceptional work done by the Idol Wi
When the British Museum opened in 1753, it was the world's first national public museum