Brokerage Angel One on Wednesday announced a Rs 250 crore investment into its wealth management arm with an eye to capitalize on the growing affluence in the country. The capital will be deployed to develop core technological infrastructure, leveraging AI and analytics, expand presence in key markets and develop product strategies, as per an official statement. Angel One Wealth has three business verticals, including HNI (high net-worth individuals), UHNI (ultra HNI) and alternate assets, it said. "Through Angel One Wealth we aim to cater to an expansive spectrum of clients, by leveraging technology and staying at the forefront of innovation," Angel One's chairman and managing director Dinesh Thakkar said. It can be noted that some of its peers, including IIFL, already have successful wealth management arms. The Angel One statement said there has been a rapid increase in the HNI population in the country, and is pegged to grow 16 per cent every year to 16.5 lakh by 2027. The com
Infosys is expected to lead the tier 1 Indian IT universe with the strongest growth, led by ramp-ups of multiple mega-deals, and a low base effectively providing one per cent kicker to June 2024
Geojit Financial Services share price zoomed after the company on Saturday reported a 105 per cent year on year increase in net profits to Rs 45.81
Order inflows expected to have declined in June quarter due to LS elections
All you need to know about Sebi's order on MIIs charges on turnover fees; why they should be uniform in nature and how will it impact the stock brokers and end investors.
In the post-paid segment, tariff adjustments range from 10-20 per cent, with popular plans seeing increases of 10-13 per cent
Analysts attributed this outlook to India's burgeoning real estate sector recovery and robust infrastructure developments, which are driving demand for plastic pipe manufacturers like Prince Pipes
Zerodha Broking, which is the country's most profitable brokerage, has UCCs of 7.51 million, cornering an 18 per cent market share
Analysts expect India's macro stability to remain intact but see a hit to India's premium valuations
Margins, too, analysts at Nomura added, have multiple tailwinds from higher spare/ service revenue, direct-to-consumer sales, and operating leverage, which will drive expansion
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The decline followed the company's announcement of its Q4 results, which fell short of market expectations. Paytm's loss widened to Rs 549.6 crore in Q4FY24
Overall, Eicher Motors reported promising numbers, with profits surging over 31 per cent to Rs 983.3 crore in Q4FY24, compared to Rs 747 crore in Q4FY23
The company's reported better-than-expected gross margins but it was offset by higher, marketing spends toward EV and premium motorcycle segments during the quarter
The miss was driven by lower Revlimid sales, muted growth across markets and higher R&D spends. While the prevailing US tailwinds provide stability, absence of any meaningful approvals for Dr Reddy's
Relli delves into the broking house's journey and highlights key trends in the broking industry
Thus far in the calendar year 2024, the stock price of MOFSL has appreciated by 76 per cent
Rival Zerodha trails, market share slipped to 17.9 per cent
Many engineering and capital goods companies are currently executing multi-year high order books
In the past one year, Zomato's stock price has appreciated nearly four-times or 270 per cent from a level of Rs 51.75.