After the National Stock Exchange (NSE), rival bourse BSE on Thursday cautioned investors against deepfake videos of its MD and CEO Sundararaman Ramamurthy giving stock recommendations. In a statement, the exchange said it has noticed some fake, unauthorized and fraudulent videos and audios created through innovative and ingenious technology impersonating the BSE's top honcho are being circulated on social media recommending certain investments and advisory in stocks. In fact, BSE said its managing director and chief executive officer does not initiate or endorse any such communication through Facebook or any other social media platform. Also, the exchange asked investors not to trust such videos and audios and not to follow fake recommendations or unsolicited communication circulated through deceptive means impersonating Ramamurthy. Further, the exchange said it will initiate all possible steps to prevent misrepresentation by unknown elements. "In the meantime, investors/public a
The board of BSE had approved the appointment on December 13 while the market regulator granted its approval on Tuesday
Ramamurthy says BSE has put in place the right building blocks to make it a success this time around
We have performed very well in managing Covid despite our per capita earning being 10-30 times lower than that of developed nations: BSE chief on India's food program during pandemic
The officials whose residences were searched today included Amita Narayan, R K Bansal, S K Srinivasan, R S Vidyasagar, Bharat Pal Singh and Medha Joshi, the head of the Risk unit
Eminent chartered accountant Sethurathnam Ravi has been appointed as the chairman of the leading stock exchange BSE. Ravi, who was a public interest director at the BSE, replaces Dhirendra Swarup. In a regulatory filing, BSE said that Sebi has "approved the appointment of Ravi, public interest director as the chairman of the board of directors of the company with effect from November 13, 2017". He has experience of holding a number of positions on the board of banks, financial institutions and asset management companies in the financial sector. Presently, Ravi serves as a director on boards of various companies such as IDBI Capital Markets Services, UTI Trustee Company, S Ravi Financial Management Services, SMERA Ratings, SBI-SG Global Securities, IDBI Bank, STCI Finance, Tourism Finance Corporation of India and BOI Merchant Bankers. Besides, he is member of the working group, constituted by Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, for suggesting possible .