Home-grown quick service restaurant chain Burger Singh on Thursday said Pakistani hackers defaced the company's website, which has now been restored. The company took to social media with a tinge of humour to inform its customers about the cyberattack that took place on Tuesday. While asking customers to "keep calm and carry on", the fast food chain said its "digital hiccup is just that a hiccup". "It seems our digital doorstep got a surprise makeover on the 27th of February, 2024, thanks to a special visit from our not-so-friendly neighborhood web wizards, Team Insane PK, straight out of Pakistan," Burger Singh said in its message to customers. The Pakistani hackers breached the burger franchise's security systems and also redesigned its website on February 27, creating a digital graffiti wall displaying the group's actions on the website. "Our website didn't just get a new look; it got a whole new attitude, albeit one we didn't sign up for," the company said. Instead of taking
The Indian fast-food chain drew the hacker group's attention when it released a politically charged promo code, 'FPAK20'
Westlife Foodworld, which owns and runs McDonald's restaurants in western and southern India, plans to open 40-45 stores every year
The company, which has plans to set up 100 new outlets by 2022, would also invest in 10 drive-thru outlets within the next three years