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Karnataka leads the list with highest number of such suicides followed by Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu
Customers serving themselves from stacks of boxes is the new norm
Restaurants at such venues are capitalising on a rising demand for fresh, road food
Pre-emptive action, use of trusted partners and influencers as advocates are key
Saloon-style makeover aims to create a 'yacht-club' ambience
Travel website Expedia wants to read its customers' minds to stay ahead of rivals
54 per cent of customers reported a problem in the last one year, finds a study
The legal battle to protect those stunning Oscar dresses is just starting
It's one thing to post as a media mogul, another if one is the US president
Popularity of mobile ordering leads companies to retool stores
Alcohol-free wines make the pet loopy and the owner happy
Travel firms, tourism boards want to appeal to the senses of prospective clients
Will robot overlords kill us or cooperate with us? AI unit sheds light on this question
Economic forces, society's values about marriage affect stability of its unions
Feature phones intended for calls, SMSes are making impressive gains
Blockchain plays a key role in the mechanism to reduce counterfeiting