Sundaram Home Finance Ltd on Tuesday announced plans to expand its presence in tier-III towns in western Tamil Nadu under its 'Emerging Business' (EB) segment, citing strong growth potential. The company, a wholly owned subsidiary of non-banking finance company Sundaram Finance Ltd, currently operates over 15 branches in the region, including six under the vertical. As part of its expansion strategy, Sundaram Home Finance aims to disburse over Rs 500 crore in the next 1218 months, with Rs 50 crore targeted specifically at the EB vertical. This move follows the successful launch of its Coimbatore branch, the company stated on Tuesday. "Having established our Coimbatore branch, we are looking to expand further in the Emerging Business segment. The expansion into Pollachi is part of our strategy to penetrate deeper into smaller towns. Small entrepreneurs are thriving in the region and require working capital financing to expand their businesses," said Sundaram Home Finance managing ..
State Bank of India (SBI) has sanctioned around 20,000 loans of Rs 10 lakh to Rs 50 lakh for small businesses as part of a digital lending pilot that started in December, a senior official said on Friday. Having been satisfied with the results of the pilot, under which a customer can get a loan sitting at home, the country's largest lender is now broadening the loan amounts to Rs 5 crore, Deputy Managing Director Surendra Rana said at a banking conference organised by IMC here. "We rolled out the Rs 10-50 lakh model in December and I am happy to share that we have already sanctioned around 20,000 loans through this process and this is working very smoothly. Now, we are escalating it to Rs 5 crore," he said. A customer journey starts with scanning a QR code from anywhere, grants some approvals and SBI uses data repositories to come back with a sanctioned amount in a maximum of five days, he said. The remarks from the official come days after the bank announced that lending to small
Embassy Office Parks REIT has completed the acquisition of a 50 lakh square feet business park in Chennai for Rs 1,185 crore as part of its strategy to expand its office assets portfolio and grow business. The acquisition was funded through a debt of Rs 1,200 crore. In a regulatory filing on Monday, Embassy REIT informed that it has completed the acquisition of 'Embassy Splendid TechZone (ESTZ), a Grade-A business park in Chennai. The business park has 1.4 million square feet of completed buildings, besides under-construction area of 1.6 million square feet and 2 million square feet of future development potential. "The Rs 1,185 crore acquisition was funded primarily through a debt raise of around Rs 1,200 crore and internal accruals," it added. This acquisition increases Bengaluru-based Embassy REIT's total portfolio to 50.5 million square feet. Aravind Maiya, Chief Executive Officer of Embassy REIT, said the completion of this accretive acquisition facilitates the REIT's entry i
India's investment culture needs strengthening
The company currently has 100 branches in eight states in north, central and west India, and also plans to significantly expand its presence and enter south India in the current financial year
Government-endorsed scheme is easier to access for small credit amounts
A source told Mint that Pai's total investment in the group might reach $300 million if the deal is finalised
Every business needs a loan to flourish and grow and the need is more if it is a new business or startup. The government has issued several loan schemes to help MSMEs. Check details below
Nearly Rs 1,900 crore in loans were distributed to MSMEs, with women-led businesses making up 24% of the loans disbursed
Understand everything you need to know about a small business loan and how it can aid in growing and supporting your small business.
The number of women borrowers grew at a CAGR of 15% during this period, that of male borrowers by 11%; share of women rose from 25% in 2017 to 28% in 2022
Majority of the women entrepreneurs face challenges in availing loan services from nationalised banks, according to a study. The study was conducted by Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST) and saw the participation of 450 women entrepreneurs from three cities -- national capital region, Chennai and Pune. During the study, it was also found that about 60 per cent of these entrepreneurs faced problems in accessing critical financial services. "Eighty-five per cent of women entrepreneurs faced challenges in availing loan services from nationalised banks," the study claimed. It was conducted during the course of a three-year BYST Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme to set up profitable businesses in Chennai, Pune, and Delhi-NCR. "Public sector banks are happy to welcome loan applications of BYST assisted, under-privileged entrepreneurs who are well-trained...and duly scrutinised by our expert panel before submission to the banks," Lakshmi Venkataraman Venkatesan, Managing Trust
Overall retail loans increased by 17% in 2015, says Equifax's India Consumer Credit Trends