Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Tuesday said the ruling Congress has made all necessary preparations for the November 13 Assembly by-polls in three segments in the state, and the candidates are likely to be announced later in the day. He said, while it has been decided to give Sandur ticket to Bellary MP E Tukaram's wife Annapurna, candidates for Shiggaon and Channapatna segments will be decided by the party. The last date for filing nominations is October 25, and the final date for withdrawal of papers is October 30. By-polls for Sandur, Shiggaon, and Channapatna are necessitated, as the seats fell vacant following the election of their respective representatives -- E Tukaram of Congress, former CM Basavaraj Bommai of BJP, and Union Minister H D Kumaraswamy of JD(S) -- to Lok Sabha in May elections. "We have made all the preparations (for bypolls), probably candidates may be announced today. The Sandur candidate has been decided, we will give the ticket to Tukaram's wife.
The Congress in Kerala on Wednesday exuded confidence that party leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra would win the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat, vacated by Rahul Gandhi, with a record margin. Addressing reporters here, AICC general secretary K C Venugopal said his party was confident of victory in the high range constituency. He said the party leadership and the workers had commenced preparations for the election, but devastating landslides struck Wayanad district. The Lok Sabha MP said the party usually does not conduct any programmes in such areas. There is no doubt that the workers of the Congress party and the United Democratic Front (UDF) would actively take part in various programmes when the election was announced. "As we said before, Priyanka Gandhi will win the constituency with a record margin," Venugopal said. As per law, the by-poll should be conducted within six months and the period would end this November. "So, we are ready for the election," he said. To a query, the Congress
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In a poll outcome perceived as the first electoral test of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's leadership, the Opposition Labour Party won an important by-election with an increased margin in a north-west England constituency on Friday. Samantha Dixon retained the Chester seat for Labour with 17,309 votes, a 61 per cent share and nearly 11,000 more than her Conservative Party rival. While Labour was expected to win the seat vacated following the resignation of a scandal-hit incumbent, the bigger margin is being seen as a public vote against the governing Tories. Labour leader Keir Starmer said the result showed people are fed up with the Conservative government. It marks the worst result for the Conservatives in Chester since 1832, with candidate Liz Wardlaw getting 6,335 votes or 22.4 per cent. "People in Chester and across our country are really worried," said Dixon, dubbing her win as a resounding mandate for Labour. "This is the cost of 12 years of Conservative government. Th
In the backdrop of the arrest of Imran Khan's close aide, Shahbaz Gill, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf won the by-election of the 245-member Karachi National Assembly
Speaker Ratan Chakraborty administered the oath of office and secrecy to the Saha in the presence of deputy chief minister Jishnu Dev Verma and other cabinet colleagues.
Though it is considered one of the easier battles by many, a lot is at stake for Rahul Gandhi, AICC General Secretary K C Venugopal, and the state leadership
Polling was underway amid tight security in the by-election to the Huzurabad Assembly constituency
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Friday filed her nomination papers for the September 30 Bhabanipur assembly by-poll.
The Left Front on Wednesday announced that CPI(M) leader Srijib Biswas will be its candidate for the bypoll to Bhabanipur assembly constituency
Candidates can file nominations until November 2, while the last date for withdrawal is November 5
In the first two hours, 17 percent polling was recorded in Panki and 14 percent in Godda.