Wires manufacturer Paramount Cables has reported a 54 per cent rise in its consolidated net profit at Rs 22.03 crore in the December quarter of the current fiscal, boosted by higher income. It had posted a net profit of Rs 14.32 crore during the October-December quarter in the preceding financial year, the company said in an exchange filing on Saturday. The company's total income rose to Rs 285.83 crore, up 29 per cent from Rs 221.99 crore in the year-ago period. It's expenses stood at Rs 263.77 crore as against Rs 207.68 crore year on year. Paramount Cables manufactures multi-core cables, low and high-voltage cables, besides extra-high-voltage cables for industrial applications.
In a bid to boost investor confidence, the government on Thursday notified amendments to the Cable Television Networks Rules that provide the operational mechanism for implementation of the decriminalised provisions of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act. Section 16 of the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 dealt with the punishment for contraventions under any of its provisions. This section had provision for imprisonment, which might extend up to two years in case of the first instance and five years for every subsequent offence. The imprisonment provisions have been now replaced with a monetary penalty and other non-monetary measures like advisory, warning and censure, an official statement said. These measures will be enforced through the designated officer defined in the rules notified on Thursday. Moreover, Section 16 now introduces an appeal mechanism against the order made by the designated officer. The punishments specified under Section 16 of the
The government has notified amendments to the Cable Television Network Rules-1994, that grant registration for multi-system operators for a 10-year period and make the process online through the Broadcast Seva Portal. The amended rules for MSO registration also enable the sharing of infrastructure by cable operators with broadband service providers to promote internet penetration to the last mile. Besides shifting the process of registration and renewal of MSOs to online mode through the Broadcast Seva Portal of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the amended rules make it clear that registration shall be granted or renewed for a period of 10 years. The processing fee of Rs 1 lakh is kept for the renewal of registration, the rules said. According to the rules, the application for registration renewal shall be made within a window of seven to two months before the expiry of the registration. "The renewal procedure is in line with the government's commitment to ease of doi
Two categories of CLS recommended for easing the setting up of facilities
Pakistans electronic media regulator has started a countrywide operation against cable TV operators airing illegal Indian channels
The issue has been fermenting since TRAI raised the price cap for a TV channel from Rs 12 to Rs 19
Star, Sony, Zee go off cable platforms over NTO 3.0 pricing
Repeal of farm laws a setback or a step in the right direction? Why's the cable TV industry stagnated? Will the market cheer withdrawal of farm laws? What are cloud kitchens? Let's find the answers
The decline in cable owes as much to a greedy ecosystem where no one invested in the technology as it does to a regulator that believes that price control is the only lever to use
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India issued a consultation paper seeking views and comments on regulatory framework recommended for direct-to-home (DTH) services
Additionally, pricing parity required as per new regulations meant a 30-35 per cent increase in cable TV tariffs, which eroded the price advantage cable TV enjoyed over DTH
Though TV viewership surged during lockdown, subscribers deleted channels from their package to cut costs
Covid-19 offers an opportunity to improve cable subscription collections using digital platforms - a win-win for stakeholders
Nearly 70 per cent of share gains for Zee came from its regional network.
Trai's tariff order raises old questions with new convoluted answers
The stocks of Hathway Cable & Datacom and Den Networks saw a sharp uptick on reports that Reliance Jio was planning to acquire a company in the cable television space to improve its broadband reach. In fact, in the past few months, stocks of cable companies, or listed multi-system operators (MSOs), have been in demand (see chart). However, the road ahead may not be smooth, even as there is scope for consolidation and potential for growth.MSOs provide fixed-line paid cable services mainly to local cable operators (LCOs), which in turn carry the feed to end consumers. They also provide broadband services, which are yet to contribute significantly to revenues for most of them. While fixed broadband is expected to grow at a rapid pace given the penetration of under 7 per cent compared to 20-50 per cent in key developing economies, higher competition from mobile players could limit the gains for MSOs. Further, the entry of Reliance Jio, which already has an MSO licence, could aggravate