The government should enforce traceability and user privacy rules on WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Meet as well as other calling and messaging apps along with telecom operators as such platforms provide similar services using internet network, industry body COAI said. Telecom operators want the government and regulator to enforce message traceability and user privacy rule on these apps to curb spam and illegal activities as majority of messaging traffic has moved to data networks from SMS, COAI said. In a recent direction, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has mandated telecom operators to enhance message traceability. The regulator has mandated that the trail of all messages from senders to recipients must be traceable from November 1, 2024. Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), which represents Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea and others, said that while the telecom service providers are working jointly with the Trai and the other stakeholders on th
Meta-owned WhatsApp is reportedly developing a new feature, "silence unknown callers", which will allow users to mute calls from unknown numbers while still showing them in the calls list
IMEI is a unique, 15-digit number and is used to identify a device on a mobile network
The company is yet to reveal how many users will finally be able to join the group call. It will come to know when the new calling feature is rolled out globally
Such savings are possible if you use an app that lets you make calls using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP or IP telephony)