Tech firms say they have policies against any illegal or inappropriate sales and do remove offenders from sites
They are also capitalising on the CBD craze sweeping across almost every consumer industry and now featured in everything from shampoo and gum drops to mascara and pet treats
This is a friendly book, the one to give to your cousin who is about to visit her first dispensary on a 'weedcation'
The most popular drug globally continues to be cannabis, with an estimated 188 million people having used it in 2017, according to the study
India is home to the highest number of cannabis consumers in Asia, estimated at 38 million
Shops in the province of Newfoundland opened as midnight struck for the first legal sales of cannabis in the country
References to crypto in news articles over the past year has loosely tracked the volatility of digital assets
The cannabis plant is drought tolerant, high on yield and doesn't require pesticides
Reports say those who regularly used cannabis were 37 times more likely to be nicotine dependent