Karnataka government taking a stand against release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu is strongly condemnable, Chief Minister M K Stalin said on Monday and announced convened a meeting of legislative party leaders on July 16 to decide on the next course of action in the inter-state river dispute. As on July 15, 2024, while the total storage in the four main dams of Karnataka is 75.586 TMC ft, the water level in Tamil Nadu's Mettur reservoir is a mere 13.808 TMC ft, he said in a statement here. Moreover, as per the IMD's forecast, there is scope for adequate rainfall. Hence, Karnataka declining to release water according to the Cauvery Water Regulation Committee's (CWRC) directive is a betrayal of Tamil Nadu's farmers, Stalin said, adding the state will never accept it. On Sunday, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah had said the state government was ready to release 8,000 cusecs of water from the Cauvery river every day to Tamil Nadu instead of the one TMC ft till the end of this ..
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has convened an all-party meeting on Sunday to discuss issues related to the Cauvery Water Regulation Committee's (CWRC) directive to the State to release one tmcft of Cauvery river water to Tamil Nadu daily till this month-end. After holding discussions with Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar, who is also the Water Resources Minister, Ministers from the Cauvery river basin area, and officials on Friday, the CM had said today's meeting would decide on the state's next course of action. "Despite forecasts for normal rains this time, there is a deficit of 28 per cent in inflow so far. This was clearly stated by us in our stand before the CWRC. Also, we requested not to take any decision till the end of July, still CWRC has asked to release one tmcft of water every day from July 12," Siddaramaiah had said. The meeting on Friday opined that the government should file an appeal against the CWRC directive before the Cauvery Water Management Authorit
He further stated, "I once again urge the two Chief Ministers to meet at the earliest and steer the discussion on this crisis created by Mother Nature in a different direction"
Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have been locked in a decades-long battle over the sharing of water from the Cauvery River
With some give and take and small doses of altruism, we can reach amicable settlements in even the most intractable disputes
Cauvery dispute verdict: Actor Rajinikanth said the Tamil Nadu government should file a review petition in the SC
The original agreement, which was signed between the Madras Presidency and the princely State of Mysore in 1924, had lapsed in 1974
SC verdict on Cauvery river dispute: Karnataka to provide 177.25 TMC water to Tamil Nadu instead of 192
The Cauvery river dispute between Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka has a long history