The CBI on Tuesday registered a fresh FIR against Kanpur-based Rotomac Global for allegedly cheating Punjab National Bank to the tune of over Rs 93 crore through loan default, officials said. The central agency has also named the company's directors Rahul Kothari and Sadhna Kothari as accused in the case registered under IPC sections related to criminal conspiracy and cheating, and provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act, they said. The CBI has alleged that directors Vikram Kothari (now deceased) and Rahul Kothari, along with others, acted with "dishonest intention" to defraud the bank by presenting wrong and false statements for book debts, stock statements and other financial papers. The accused projected fake transactions as genuine, knowing fully well that they are thereby causing wrongful loss to the bank, thereby cheating the bank and the public at large, the FIR by the CBI said. Rotomac group companies are already facing two separate CBI investigations related to bank fra
Under the NDA government, since 2014, the number of political leaders facing investigation has gone up to 124 and 118 of them are Opposition leaders
The AAP on Friday hit out at the BJP over the collapse of a four-storey building in the city and demanded a probe into the incident, alleging that its map was obtained through fraudulent means. Addressing a press conference, the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) chief spokesperson Saurabh Bharadwaj alleged the involvement of the Delhi civic body's Building Department officials in grant of construction permit for the building through "fraud and forgery". "The map of the four-storey under-construction building, which collapsed in Sheesh Mahal area today, was passed through forgery and fraud as the building was being constructed in the area beyond the permissible limit of 100 yards," he claimed. The building caved in as the ground underneath was being dug at the site to create a basement after constructing the fourth floor of the structure, he added. "The MCD officials must have been bribed for the construction of this building. It's not possible for anybody to hide any construction work from M
The case pertains to hiring private firm iSec Services to allegedly tap the phones of NSE employees
Lt. Governor V.K. Saxena on Tuesday reviewed the working of the Directorate of Vigilance (DoV).The LG issued detailed and strict instructions for ensuring efficiency, transparency and effectiveness in the functioning of the department.The Chief Secretary was also present in the meeting.Taking note of various violations and procedural lapses that had come to the fore recently in the Excise, Education and Public Works Departments etc., the LG asked the Chief Secretary to issue an office memorandum for creating awareness about the Rules/Regulations pertaining to Tender/Purchases/Procurement of Goods & Services and forewarn all employees that any deviation or violation of these would invite exemplary action under relevant rules."Saxena impressed upon strictly adhering to the timelines as prescribed by the CCS (CCA Rules, 1965) and the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) manual and issued instructions to ensure that the prescribed timelines are stuck to in initiation of disciplinary ..
The hearing of these cases will start from August 29, two days after Justice UU Lalit will take over as the Chief Justice of India
Officers should not be forced to make decisions with an eye to avoiding future prosecution rather than on efficient outcomes
The CBI Sunday issued Look Out Circulars against eight private persons named in the FIR registered in the Delhi excise policy "scam" case, officials said. They said no LoCs have been opened against four public servants named in the FIR, including Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and three former excise department officials. Officials said the CBI has not felt the need to issue LOCs against public servants so far because they cannot leave the country without intimating the government. The agency has named a total of nine private individuals as accused in the FIR including businessmen Vijay Nair, a former CEO of entertainment and event management company Only Much Louder; Manoj Rai, a former employee of Pernod Ricard; Amandeep Dhal, owner of Brindco Spirits; Sameer Mahendru, MD of IndoSpirit, and Hyderabad-based Arun Ramchandra Pillai. No LOC has been issued against Manoj Rai so far, they said. Sisodia had earlier claimed a lookout notice was issued against him in the exci
Anubrata Mondal was arrested from his Bolpur residence, on the allegation that he was not cooperating with Central Bureau of Investigation
The new Excise policy 2021-22 was implemented from November 17 last year under which retail licences were given to private bidders for 849 vends across the city divided into 32 zones
Claims iSec did not have expertise to audit the brokers, exchange
The sources in CBI on Monday said that they have lodged an FIR under prevention of corruption Act against former president of Indian Olympic Association (IOA) Narinder Dhruv Batra.
The CBI on Wednesday arrested Gujarat cadre IAS officer K Rajesh for alleged bribery in sanctioning weapon licenses to ineligible people, officials said. Rajesh, a 2011 batch IAS officer, was called to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) office in Ahmedabad for questioning, but he did not co-operate and was taken into custody, they said. It is alleged that when Rajesh was the collector of Surendranagar district, he took bribe in land deals and in sanctioning weapon licenses to ineligible people, they added.
ED may register fresh money laundering case in the illegal phone tapping matter
The agency has alleged that under the guise of this study, top NSE officials had issued a work order to iSec for intercepting the phone calls of its employees by installing machines at NSE's office
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday conducted searches in connection with the Rs 36,615 crore loan fraud case involving DHFL and its top officials
The CDSCO is planning to monitor visitors to any of its officials closely
CBI on Tuesday moved the Delhi High Court seeking the custody of officials accused of allegedly demanding bribes to waive the Phase-3 trial of "Insulin Aspart Injection"
The CBI on Friday conducted searches at five locations in Delhi after registering an FIR against Delhi-based packaging company Rave Scans Pvt Ltd for allegedly defrauding a consortium of banks
ED, which is conducting a parallel probe along with CBI in the coal smuggling case in West Bengal, has summoned Rujira Narula Banerjee, wife of TMC's national general secretary, MP Abhishek Banerjee