Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Friday said that the Centre's decision to repeal the three "black" farm laws is a victory of the farmers' "longest peaceful struggle"."Decision to repeal 3 black farm laws is a victory of longest peaceful people's struggle that was started by farmers in Punjab. My salute to the Annadata," Channi said in a tweet.Earlier today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the government has decided to repeal the three farm laws.In the address to the nation today morning, PM Modi said, "We have decided to repeal all three farm laws, will begin the procedure at the Parliament session that begins this month. I urge farmers to return home to their families and let's start afresh."Farmers have been protesting against the Centre's three farm laws since they were passed in 2020.The three farm laws are -- The Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act provides for setting up a mechanism allowing the farmers to sell their ..
Channi and some of his Cabinet ministers on Thursday offered prayers at Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan, travelling there through the visa-free Kartarpur corridor
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi along with some of his Cabinet ministers offered prayers at the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan that reopened for pilgrims after a gap of 20 months
The Kartarpur corridor links Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Pakistan, the final resting place of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak Dev, to Dera Baba Nanak shrine in Gurdaspur district
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Wednesday said a law will be brought soon for providing reservation in government jobs to the youth of the state.
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Wednesday promised farmers to drop old cases of stubble burning against them but asked them not to set the paddy straw on fire in future
Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi said a new advocate general will be appointed on Wednesday
AICC Punjab affairs in-charge Harish Chaudhary on Monday held a meeting with Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi and Congress state unit president Navjot Singh Sidhu, amid unease between the two
The meeting was held on a day former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh resigned from the Congress and announced the name of his own political party.
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Sunday announced waiver of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on langar at the Sri Devi Talab temple here. The chief minister also paid obeisance at the revered Shakti Peeth Sri Devi Talab Mandir. "The selfless service of Langar at the centres of Religious & Spiritual Pilgrimage - is an integral part of Punjab's rich Culture & Heritage. While paying obeisance at Sri Devi Talab Temple, I announced to waive off the GST on Langar served at this highly revered Temple," Channi said in a tweet. Speaking at the temple, Channi said the ethos of love, brotherhood and harmony in society will be maintained at every cost and will always remain his government's top priority. He described his visit to the temple as a "gratifying experience". He said the Sri Devi Talab temple is a fountainhead of inspiration and positivity for millions of people from around the world. Channi said he came to the shrine to pray for the state, its peace and development,
Channi met Rahul Gandhi on Thursday
The state has also allowed faceless assessment of GST and VAT, doing away with the need for traders and industrialists to be physically present with tax officers
Chief Minister tells investor summit state has created 6,000-acre land bank for industries.
This comes a day after the Congress' Punjab unit chief made public his letter to Sonia Gandhi flagging several issues
Addressing the media after the Cabinet meeting here, the Punjab Chief Minister announced the previous outstanding water bills worth Rs 700 crores to be waived in the state.
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Channi on Sunday launched 'Mera Ghar Mere Naam' scheme to confer proprietary rights on the people living in the houses within the 'Lal Lakir' of villages and the cities
Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi directed the chief secretary on Thursday to constitute a committee to simplify land ownership rights
A huge crowd had gathered at the airport to welcome the leaders
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Sunday said there will not be any laxity in action against those involved in desecration cases
'I asked the PM to resolve the matter of farmers' protest and resume dialogue with the protesting farmers,' said Channi