Engineering and construction conglomerate Larsen & Toubro (L&T) on Tuesday said it has won a 'significant' contract in Chhattisgarh. The company did not provide the exact contract value. However, as per its classification, a significant contract ranges between Rs 1,000 crore to Rs 2,500 crore. "The Water and Effluent Treatment business of L&T Construction has secured an EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) order involving design, engineering, supply and installation of plant and equipment to lay 135 km of slurry pipeline and water pipeline systems between Bacheli and Nagarnar and associated facilities in the state of Chhattisgarh," the company said in a statement. L&T is already executing a pumping facility as part of another package for the same client in the same area that involves supply of positive displacement pumps and construction of a slurry pump house, it added. L&T is an Indian multinational engaged in EPC projects, manufacturing, defence and ..
This leaves Jharkhand as the odd one out
With 1,964 new Covid-19 cases and 63 more deaths, Chhattisgarh's total case count rose to 1,87,270 and death toll to 2,101, a health official said
A new study by Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, and the CSIR-Institute for Genomics and Integrative Biology has found that antibodies can last longer than 60 days
With addition of 324 new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, Chhattisgarh's total count increased to 11,743 while the number of fatalities rose by two to 89, a health official said.
Chhattisgarh has so far recorded 5,407 Covid-19 cases and the number is increasing day by day
So far, states have transferred around Rs 5,000 crore, which is merely 16 per cent of the total cess funds of Rs 31,000 crore accumulated through the collection of cess from employers.
This is 3% above the output achieved in the previous crop season
Confirmed cases surge past 145,000; fatality rate down from 3.3% to 2.87%
Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi also lauded the Chhattisgarh government for launching the scheme at a time when the poor and farmers were facing hardships due to the coronavirus
3,000 people evacuated after styrene leak at LG Polymers plant in Visakhapatnam; 7 fall ill after gas leak in Chhattisgarh; 8 suffer burns in TN furnace fire
As per data on April 19, 18 states and UTs have shown an improvement than the national average doubling rate, Ministry of Health and Family Affairs Joint Secretary Lav Agarwal said at a briefing.
Traders in Raipur's biggest commercial centre wrote that an extended lockdown could trigger blood pressure and diabetes, apart from neurological complication
The injured personnel were airlifted to Raipur and admitted to a private hospital where the condition of two of them is stated to be critical
The per capita income is likely to grow by 6.35 per cent
Paddy procurement in the state started on December 1 and would continue till February 15
Chhattisgarh has asked bankers to streamline financial inclusion in restive region
Available trends in local body election show party is underperforming in most municipal corporations, which were once the stronghold of the party
The investors are free to explore the potential in sectors like eco-tourism, food processing, agro-forestry, health and pharma, hotels, textile, steel, cement and mining.
Last month, the company said the Chhattisgarh government has assured the public sector undertaking of renewing mining leases in the Dantewada district for another 20 years.