At least seven people were injured following a blast and a massive fire in a chemical factory in Delhi's Bawana area on Sunday, police said. The condition of three of the injured is critical, they added. "A call regarding a fire at a factory in Sector 1, Bawana industrial area was received at 3:04 pm. Twenty fire-tenders were pressed into service to douse the flames," Delhi Fire Services (DFS) chief Atul Garg said. Nine people were rescued from the factory and rushed to a nearby hospital, he said, adding that the fire has been brought under control. Police said they were informed about seven medico-legal cases (MLCs) by the hospital and three of the patients were stated to be in critical condition. A police officer said the three critically injured people have been identified as Kuldeep (18), Bablu (25) and Mastram (20). "All of them have been referred to the Safdarjung Hospital for further treatment. The other injured people have been identified as Suresh, Rakesh, Pankaj Pal and
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