In the drought-prone villages in many parts of the country, seasonal migration forces families into impossible choices. When parents leave for months to work in sugarcane fields, brick kilns or construction sites, they often take their children along. But those who stay behind are left in the care of grandparents or older siblings, often facing emotional strain and the burden of household responsibilities. For both groups, the consequences are stark: disrupted education, limited access to healthcare, and exposure to child labour and early marriage. The UNICEF, in collaboration with district authorities and NGOs, is working to address this crisis through its 'Kinship and Community-Based Care Programme' in places like drought-prone Jalna in Maharashtra. The initiative, which aims to keep children in their villages under the care of relatives or community members, is part of a broader shift in India's child protection system'?s move away from institutional care toward family-based ..
Acc to the latest World Health Organisation (WHO) and Unicef immunisation report, India follows Nigeria in having the highest number of unvaccinated children, with 1.6 million zero-dose kids in 2023
Chandipura virus in Gujarat: Health Minister Rushikesh Patel said on Tuesday that the samples of 12 patients have been sent to Pune's National Institute of Virology for confirmation
Genetic defects underlie about a fourth of Chinese children affected by cerebral palsy, and not a lack of oxygen at birth as previously thought, new research has found. Cerebral palsy is a disorder affecting one's ability to move. It is the most common motor disability in children, with symptoms emerging in infancy and early childhood. The disability is sometimes also associated with autism and intellectual deficiencies. Birth asphyxia, or receiving insufficient oxygen at the time of being born, can cause physical harm, especially to the brain, and is considered one of the main causes of cerebral palsy. The world's largest study of cerebral palsy genetics, involving more than 1,500 affected Chinese children, found that mutations were significantly higher in a fourth of these children receiving insufficient oxygen at birth. Researchers said this indicated that birth asphyxia could be secondary to the underlying genetic defects. The results, published in the journal Nature Medicine
Nestle's baby food products in several countries, including India, contain high levels of added sugar and honey, said a report by Public Eye, a Swiss investigative organisation
Overall life expectancy has declined compared to 10 years ago though
Redseer expects the market to grow at 14% CAGR to reach $60bn size by 2027 from $31 bn in 2022
Close to 100 students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in Lakkidi area of Wayanad district of Kerala developed vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain over the last few days, prompting the State Health Department to visit the place and intensify preventive measures. With a large number of students from the boarding school hospitalised over the weekend at the Vythiri Taluk hospital, there were reports of a suspected case of food-poisoning. Subsequently, an expert team of the Health Department carried out an inspection, a release issued by the district administration said. The team collected drinking water samples from the institution and sent them for a test at the Kozhikode Regional Public Health Lab. Stool and blood samples of the children were sent to the Alappuzha Institute of Virology, and the Bathery Public Health Lab respectively, the release said. It further said one child had symptoms of being ill on January 24, 11 on January 27, 20 on January 29 and 66 on Monday of the total
National Health Mission, Assam, has taken a series of measures, including visits by the state team to all 34 districts, for improving maternal and child health. The team stays in the district for three days to review maternal, and newborn deaths and other health-related aspects, NHM mission director Dr. M S Lakshmi Priya told a review meeting. The measures also include organising a monthly consultation-cum-review conclave in the districts, and special health camps. The NHM mission director said that the state has the capability to reduce maternal and newborn deaths if a targeted approach is adopted. The maternal death cases have come down to 289 in the AprilSeptember period of 2022-23 as against 384 during the corresponding period in 2021-22. The number of child deaths has also declined from 3,842 in 2021-22 (April-September) to 3,523 in 2022-23. A monthly consultation-cum-review conclave, 'Swasthya Manthan', is being organised by the NHM in all the districts and so far three suc
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) will form an expert committee to ascertain the impact of landfill sites in the city on the health of women and children living in their vicinity
SRS data shows that infant mortality in rural areas had declined faster than urban centres between 2011-15; the situation has reversed again in favour of urban areas
Health ministry has said that it will not implement a mandatory two-child policy by denying government jobs, subsidies and certain rights to larger families
As the parent, you can aim to set a morning wake-up time, and it should be consistent every day (plus or minus half an hour). Bedtime will be 12 to 13 hours later
The child-care funding cuts come at a time when the central government reduced its allocations to the ministry of women and child development over two years to 2016-17