Star also sued Telegram and hacker xenZen, after it was reported that sensitive personal data, from numbers to copies of identity cards and blood reports of customers, were publicly accessible
Edge's VPN "Edge Secure Network" uses Cloudflare to protect users' devices and sensitive data while they browse, but it will not be a replacement for their VPN, reports BleepingComputer
Digital infrastructure services provider Cloudflare announced that it has blocked US-based Internet forum Kiwi Farms over "imminent threats to human life"
The effect was felt by users of some of the key hotspots of internet traffic, such as Twitter, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Discord, Zerodha, Shopify, and Canva, according to Downdetector
Retail investors bruised as stock trading apps face 'connectivity issues'
Several popular platforms like Discord, DoorDash, NordVPN, Zerodha, Upstox and others that use Cloudflare services went down for users globally, including in India
The issue has now been resolved as the websites using Cloudfare services are working
Cloudflare, a San Francisco outfit, provides services to neo-Nazi sites like The Daily Storme
Cloudflare hosts six million websites