E-commerce company Cloudtail India registered an 84 per cent fall in revenue to Rs 3,093 crore in 2022-23, a report by market research firm Tofler said on Tuesday. Cloudtail, now an Amazon-owned e-commerce entity, ceased its business-to-consumer operations in April 2022. The firm continues to operate as a facilitator for sellers. As per Tofler, Cloudtail posted a net loss of Rs 98 crore in 2022-23. "Cloudtail India Limited, an e-commerce firm, reported its revenues for the financial year 2022-23 as Rs 3,093 crore, an 84 per cent fall since the last financial year. The company further reported a net loss of Rs 98 crore during the same fiscal. The company's total expenses for the fiscal were reported as Rs 3,191 crore," a Tofler statement read. Cloudtail was initially formed as a joint venture between Amazon and Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy-owned firm Catamaran. It was operated by Prione Business Services in which Catamaran held a 74 per cent stake. Catamaran decided to ...
CCPA had asked the company to recall 1,033 cookers in violation of BIS standards; had levied penalty of Rs 1 lakh on the company
However, Amazon recently said it has decided that Appario Retail would cease as a seller on the e-commerce giant's platform within the next 12 months
Central Consumer Protection Authority directs Cloudtail to recall and reimburse the prices of 1,033 pressure cookers sold to consumers and submit a compliance report in 45 days
The development comes at a time when Cloudtail, once the largest seller on Amazon's India marketplace, shut operations on the e-commerce platform as a seller this year amid regulatory pressure
The e-commerce firm's revenue grew 15% to Rs 19,090 cr in FY22
An initial hearing on Cloudtail's filing at the Delhi High Court on June 3 did not mention the detentions, and the contents of the filing have not been posted publicly
India's antitrust body has reportedly launched raids against the two top domestic sellers of Amazon over accusations of having violated competition laws
India's antitrust body launched raids at two top sellers of Amazon.com Inc over violations of domestic competition laws, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter said
Domestic traders' body CAIT said it has filed a petition before the CCI to block the transaction that has been entered into by Amazon where they will acquire 100 per cent shareholding in Cloudtail.
The firm's net profit was up 171% YoY to Rs 183 crore
As Bezos and Narayana Murthy end their joint venture, their prolific growth cannot be discounted
The two partners on Monday announced they have mutually decided to not continue their joint venture beyond the end of its current term
Business Standard brings you the top headlines this evening
The Indian Sellers Collective has written an open letter to N. R. Narayana Murthy urging him to end partnership with Amazon for Cloudtail India.
Business Standard brings to you top headlines on Tuesday
Cloudtail, one of the largest sellers on Amazon India, is owned by Prione Business Services
Big e-commerce firms selling their own private labelled brands and inventory at discounts, High Court told
Cloudtail's growth comes on the back of Amazon continually stepping up its investments in its India business