While equity markets react to budget announcements in real time, households we believe, take a little longer to digest it. Households are not as cued in as financial markets are
Infection surge due to Omicron has dented recovery only temporarily
We find that the fall in LPR since 2016 has been accompanied with a fall in the proportion of households where more than one person is employed
Economic growth is supposed to deliver on these counts and not just on tax collections or freight movement or foreign trade
By upgrading or augmenting skills, equipping modern tools for better efficiency, people at gig jobs can earn more, some becoming even micro-entrepreneurs
At a time like this when the poor are barely beginning to get their household economy together, any weakening of their twin lifelines - free rations and MNREGA - would be grossly insensitive
In all the major labour market metrics, it is rural India that shows big improvements. Labour conditions improved in urban India also but not as much as they did in rural India
The employment in salaried jobs increased to 84.1 million in September from 77.1 million in August
Investments are down over June 2021, as well as over September last year
The recovery in employment after the pandemic-induced disruptions has been uneven, with job losses being concentrated among salaried employees and entrepreneurs
Unless a disruption erupts again, rural India seemed poised to help a recovery in consumer demand
Excess or seasonal labour released from agriculture usually finds its way to construction sites. In the circumstances labour seems to have found employment in the household sector
The literature, say the authors, has focused on supply-side constraints that prevent women from entering the labour markets
The government's Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) report shows a sharp increase in employment in agriculture from 42.5% of the total employment in 2018-19 to 45.6% in 2019-20
The index of consumer sentiments fell by 1.5 per cent in June 2021 after having fallen by 10.8 per cent in May and 3.8 per cent in April 2021
Value of completed projects halved to Rs 50,000 crore; Figures are 70-95% on YoY basis because of national lockdown at the time
It is possible that the mobility indices have moved because of the relaxations. Labour participation rates have improved
The employment rate continues to worsen amid the second wave of Covid-19
In FY05, this level was a part of the increasing trend witnessed since FY03
The recovery cannot be investments-led because most enterprises are nursing excess capacities