Telangana on Friday urged the Centre to simplify the Income Tax slabs and reduce corporate tax rates to enhance ease of doing business. In his speech at the pre-Budget meeting of the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, Telangana Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka said streamlining IT and GST filing processes is vital as these processes currently consume weeks for mid-sized and large businesses. Expanding the tax base through digital tracking of financial transactions and encouraging voluntary compliance are also key measures, he opined. "Reforms to the Income Tax Act are a welcome step. India's current tax system is complex, leading to compliance burdens for individuals and businesses alike. Telangana urges simplification of tax slabs and reduction of corporate tax rates to enhance ease of doing business," Bhatti said. Telangana supports a realistic fiscal deficit target of 4.5 per cent of GDP to sustain momentum in infrastructure and ...
Asserting that the Centre's policies have "failed" to revive the economy, the Congress on Thursday said the government's strategy of cutting corporate taxes, giving "generous corporate handouts" and raising the tax burden on the salaried middle class has only helped enrich large monopolies without any discernible increase in investment or hiring. Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh said what is needed for stimulating demand is tax cuts for the salaried middle classes and income support to the poor. His remarks came over a media report which claimed that the sharp slump in economic growth rate to 5.4 per cent in July-September this year has sparked concerns among policy makers that low single-digit income growth in the corporate sector despite four times growth in profits over the last four years, is one of the reasons behind the slowing of demand. In a post on X, Ramesh said, "Private sector profit is at a 15-year-high and has grown four times over the
Tax payment by listed companies was down 7 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) in Q2FY25, their worst showing in the last four years and the first decline in corporate tax in seven quarters
With the recent sell-offs, Warren Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway has raised its cash position relative to total assets in the June quarter to 25 percent
Professor Krishnamurthy Subramanian said that the removal of Angel Tax would be significant for India's startup ecosystem and encourage investments from outside
The Centre has set up an internal committee to evaluate the benefits of the 15% concessional tax rate scheme for new domestic manufacturing units, introduced in FY20
In a conversation, the chief of the direct tax apex body said that extension of the 15 per cent concessional rate depend on how the companies utilising the benefit
Union Budget 2024: As Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presents the Union Budget on Tuesday, markets expect tax cuts, infra spending, and a boost to rural demand. Stay with us for all updates
After surcharges and cesses, this tax comes to 17.01 per cent against 29.12 per cent if the companies don't opt for this tax
Marna Ricker, EY Global vice-chair (tax), in an interview with Krishna Kant in Mumbai, discusses the progress on the new tax code and its implications for companies and capital flows
Last year, the company paid $40.5 million in tax from a UK profit of $1.81 billion, according to its annual tax-contribution report
The government has projected 10.5 per cent growth in revenues from corporate and individual income tax to Rs 18.23 trillion this financial year
Upward trend mainly due to spike in corporation tax mop-up
The government lost a little over Rs 1 lakh crore in 2020-21 on account of a cut in corporate taxes, Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary said on Tuesday. In September 2019, the government announced a cut in base corporate tax for then existing companies to 22 per cent from 30 per cent; and for new manufacturing firms, incorporated after October 1, 2019, to 15 per cent from 25 per cent. Companies opting for these new tax rates had to forego all exemptions and incentives. The effective tax rate for existing units, after considering surcharges and cess -- such as Swachh Bharat cess and education cess, which are levied on top of the income and corporate tax rates -- is 25.17 per cent as compared to 34.94 per cent earlier. For new units, it is 17.01 per cent as against 29.12 per cent previously. In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha, Chaudhary had said the estimated revenue loss (due to reduction in corporate tax) in FY 2020-21 has been reestimated to be Rs 100,241 crore. In
Corporate tax collections exceeded 3 per cent of the GDP after a gap of two years in 2021-22, reflecting overall improvement in profitability of India Inc propelled by increase in demand for goods and services. However, the corporate tax collection is yet to surpass its five-year high of 3.51 per cent of GDP recorded in 2018-19. In actual terms, the net corporate tax collection in 2021-22 stood at Rs 7.12 lakh crore. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market price was Rs 236.64 lakh crore. The percentage of net corporate tax to GDP worked out to be 3.01 per cent. An analysis of five-year data of corporate tax collection as a percentage of GDP showed that the ratio was the highest in 2018-19. The net corporate tax collection stood at Rs 6.63 lakh crore or 3.51 per cent of GDP. The mop up and ratio slipped to 2.77 per cent of GDP in 2019-20 on account of reduction in corporate tax rate. In the biggest reduction in 28 years, the government cut corporate tax rates for new ...
It marks the first time in three years that the budget was decreased by the parliament
In July, the commerce department sought inter-ministerial comments on the DESH Bill that aims at replacing the existing special economic zone (SEZ) law
Kwarteng recently said that he was 'absolutely, 100 per cent' confident that he would be in post in November despite rising rebellion
Although the commerce ministry is making efforts to finalise the DESH Bill and introduce it in the parliament during the winter session, the finance ministry's stance may delay it
The trend of increase in income tax collection is expected to continue in the coming months on increased compliance, higher corporate profitability and increased trade in festive season, experts said. The gross direct tax collection grew 30 per cent to Rs 8.36 lakh crore in the April to mid-September period of the current fiscal on increased corporate tax and personal income tax (PIT) mop up due to increased economic activity. Deloitte India Partner Rohinton Sidhwa said the reason for rising tax collection, aside from the increase in economic activity, is attributable to the marked increase in compliance demonstrated by the number of returns filed. "The increase in compliance also stems from influencing behaviour like the sharing of details of income generating activity that taxpayers are being shown on the e-filing portal. "It's expected that the trend will continue for now. While corporate tax returns are still to be filed for the last fiscal, advance tax collections show strong