A good credit score can help you tide over financial challenges. When you take a loan or a credit card, the lender checks your credit score to know your credit history. Find out what's credit score
Should India worry over Indonesian palm oil export ban? Why is TV Narendran confident about economic growth? What can thwart contact-sensitive sectors' recovery? What is credit score? All answers here
Loans can be issued to you both legally and fraudulently. So if there's a suspicious entry in your credit report, get to the bottom of the matter immediately
By sharing information digitally and securely through the AA framework, lenders get a host of data points like bill payments and investments to assess creditworthines
Credit institutions are fast approaching a saturation level in new customers as over half of the borrowers are from the existing customer base of a bank: report
If you are thinking of availing of a personal loan, here are some steps you can take to improve your chances of getting it
Valuation touches $2.2 bn; startup initiates ESOP buyback worth $5 million
Offers interest rates starting as low as 6.9 per cent for a home loan of up to Rs 30 lakh and 7 per cent for above Rs 30 lakh
If your credit score has declined, get your credit report and check for discrepancies, then decide whether to raise a dispute
If more lenders hike their risk premium, it will spike the interest rate on your borrowing
The RBI announcement came as a relief to the borrowers and affirmed commitment to provide a comprehensive picture of each person so they can be reliably and safely represented in the marketplace.
There are quite a few problems with the credit score
By agreeing to guarantee a loan, you agree to repay the loan outstanding should the principal borrower be unable to do so at any point during the loan term
Many companies nowadays check the credit score of people they plan to hire
Credit bureaus are increasingly focusing on custom data analytics and alternative data partnerships with fintech companies
Limit spending on card to 30-35 per cent of the credit limit
Clearing off past dues, and then taking small loans and repaying them on time will help past defaulters gradually improve their credit scores
Your partner's poor credit score could mar your chances of getting a joint loan, so work on improving it while there is time
Peer-to-peer lenders have started using social media to evaluate loan applicants
A good credit score makes it easier to secure a loan. You might even be able to negotiate for better rates in some loans