Delhi LG VK Saxena, who visited the Intelligence Fusion, stressed the need for the latest technological upgrade, capacity building and awareness for prevention and detection of cybercrime
CaaS, or Crimeware-as-a-Service, is on the increase, and it can facilitate a raft of criminal activities online
Almost every enterprise is vulnerable to BEC scams, from Fortune 500 companies to small towns
Facing massive cyber-attacks from Russia-sponsored threat actors, Ukraine has now assembled an 'IT army' tasked with specific cyber challenges, which reached nearly 2 lakh users on Telegram on Monday.
A total of 50,035 cases in 2020 were registered under cyber crimes, showing an increase of 11.8 per cent in registration over 2019 (44,735 cases).
Mumbai Police opposed the bail pleas of the three arrested in the 'Bulli Bai' app case, stating that the investigation suggested that the accused were also involved in 'Sulli Deals' app case.
Mumbai Police's cyber department registered a Non-Cognizable (NC) offence against an unidentified person after a complainant in the Bulli Bai app case told them that she had received threat calls
The Mumbai police on Friday brought Shweta Singh and Mayank Rawal, the two accused in the Bully Bai app case
A Delhi Court on Thursday sent the main conspirator and creator of 'Bulli Bai' on GitHub and the main Twitter account holder of the app to seven days police custody
Hacking groups waged a campaign across Southeast Asia from 2017 to 2021, exploited security vulnerabilities.
A small group of hackers viewed live and archived surveillance footage from hundreds of businesses including Tesla Inc by gaining administrative access to camera maker Verkada over the past two days
In a bid to keep an eye on the cyber world in a "coordinated and comprehensive manner", the government has asked common people to register as cyber crime volunteers
IndiGo airlines said that some of its servers were hacked earlier in the month of December and hackers might upload some internal documents on public platforms
Tech giants including Microsoft and Google on joined Facebook's legal battle against hacking company NSO, filing a brief that warned that the Israeli firm's tools were "powerful, and dangerous"
Cyber police stations, the CCPWC of Odisha have come under one roof the Cybercrime Complex - which was inaugurated here on Monday.
The NCW on Friday called for a robust cyber law that can be effective against the advanced methods used by predators to commit cybercrime against women
Even if a ransomware attack fails to disrupt elections, it could nonetheless rattle confidence in the vote
Check Point, in a blog underlining the vulnerability, said it has already informed WhatsApp of its findings
The General Assembly approved the resolution sponsored by Russia and backed by China, which would set up a committee of international experts in 2020.
This comes in the wake of sexual assault and murder of a 27-year-old veterinary doctor near Hyderabad