The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) on Tuesday informed the Delhi High Court that it will not demolish any illegal structures in northwest Delhi's Bhalswa Dairy colony till August 16, when the court is scheduled to take up a related matter. The statement was made by the MCD's counsel when a counsel representing residents of the dairy colony approached the court apprising it that MCD bulldozers with heavy police force have reached the area for demolition. The matter was mentioned before a bench of Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Tushar Rao Gedela. Taking note of the MCD's counsel oral statement, the court said it will take up the matter on August 16, when it will also hear a petition regarding the state of dairies in the city. In July, the court had directed the authorities to ensure that unauthorised construction in all dairy colonies in the national capital is removed and asked them to take immediate steps for shifting dairies from Bhalswa to Ghogha dairy colony wit
Capital markets regulator Sebi will auction eight properties of HBN Dairies & Allied Ltd next month for a reserve price of Rs 67.70 crore. The move is a part of Sebi's effort to recover money raised by HBN Dairies through illicit collective investment schemes. This came after the Supreme Court in its order dated May 14, 2024, authorised Sebi to sell the assets of HBN Dairies & Allied Ltd (HBN) with the active involvement of the liquidator. The markets watchdog initiated the process for the sale of assets after HBN Dairies & Allied Ltd and its directors -- Harmender Singh Sran, Amandeep Singh Sran, Manjeet Kaur Sran and Jasbeer Kaur -- failed to refund the investors' money. The properties to go under the hammer include a shopping mall-cum-multiplex, hotel, plots and commercial shops, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a notice on Wednesday. The properties were located in New Delhi, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra and were auctioned at .
At the farm gate, cost has risen by at least a fifth this year
At a time when agri-commodity prices are witnessing an upward trend