Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals on Thursday said it has received approval from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) for triple combination diabetes medication. Sitagliptin 100, Pioglitazone 15 and Metformin 1000/500 have been combined for the treatment of diabetes and offers a number of pharmacological advantages, the company said in a statement. The combination drug is going to better serve anti-diabetic patients, who require better treatment without necessarily swallowing multiple drugs. Akums Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Joint Managing Director Sandeep Jain noted that the renoprotective effects of drugs like metformin, coupled with the functional and corrective influence of pioglitazone on beta-cell and metabolic syndrome and the stability of Sitagliptin, make an effective solution for diabetes. "As a brand, we will continue to introduce new combinations to help patients around the world get better," he added.
An increased responsiveness of the human body to insulin during deep sleep, in turn, improving blood sugar control the next day, may be why lack of quality sleep is considered to increase risk of diabetes, researchers say. A stronger and a more frequent linking of the deep sleep brain waves, particularly the sleep spindles and the slow waves, triggered the body's parasympathetic nervous system into action, the researchers from the University of California (UC) Berkeley, US, found after examining sleep data of 600 individuals. The parasympathetic branch of the nervous system is associated with soothing and calming the body by producing physiological effects such as slowing down the heart and dilating blood vessels. The researchers detected this shift in the participants by measuring changes in their heart rate. Further, they found that switching to this tranquil and calm mode enhanced the body's responsiveness to insulin, the blood sugar-regulating hormone, which instructs cells to
If drug manufacturers are found flouting the ceiling, they will have to deposit the overcharged amount with the Centre
It is estimated that 101 million people in India - around 10 per cent of the country's population - are suffering from diabetes
Though costlier, they offer coverage for both type I and II diabetes, and to those with high levels of HbA1C
Novo and Lilly's experimental obesity pills helped people lose about 15% of body weight, similar to weight-loss shots on the market already, according to findings presented
Pfizer has been developing treatments to target weight loss in diabetes and obesity patients, as it races to target a market estimated to reach $100 billion by the end the of decade
Diabetes occurs when the body loses the ability to control blood sugar, and it's one of the world's most common serious diseases
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A loss of the body's ability to control blood sugar levels, diabetes affects one in 10 adults globally and caused 6.7 million deaths in 2021, the International Diabetes Federation estimates
Type 1 diabetes is seen most often in children and young adults, although the disease can occur at any age, but it is less common than type 2 diabetes
The study involved 1,126 overweight and obese people who were randomly assigned to receive either metformin or a placebo within three days of testing positive for Covid-19
The prevalence of diabetes in India is 11.4 per cent, while 35.5 per cent of people suffer from hypertension, according to the findings of a nationwide survey published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journal. The study, conducted by the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and other institutes, also found that the prevalence of generalised obesity and abdominal obesity in India stood at 28.6 and 39.5 per cent, respectively. The results, assessing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCD) across the states, are based on a survey of 1,13,043 (over 1.1akh) people (33,537 urban and 79,506 rural residents), in 31 states and Union Territories in the country, between 2008 and 2020. The survey also showed that 35.5 per cent of Indians suffer from hypertension, 15.3 per cent of people have pre-diabetes, while an alarming 81.2 per cent have dyslipidaemia -- the imbalance of lipids such as cholesterol, low-density
Union minister Jitendra Singh on Sunday said India is fast becoming a huge medical tourism hub and it is ready to lead technology-driven diabetes care. Addressing the three-day World Congress of 'Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 2023' (DTechCon 2023) here, he said the country is being looked up to by the rest of the world in the field of healthcare after the successful handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Technologically and in human resources, we are much ahead of most other countries," said Singh, the Minister of State for Personnel. He said India is not only becoming a technology leader, but also a huge medical tourism hub. "India is ready to lead technology-driven diabetes care," said Singh, who is also a renowned diabetologist. He said India is in the frontline of diabetes research in the world and the prevention of diabetes is not only "our duty towards healthcare, but also our duty towards nation building because this is a country with 70 per cent population below the ag
The study aimed to determine whether there was a link between childhood adversity and the development of T2D in early adulthood (16-38 years) among men and women
The findings, published in JAMA Network Open, showed that men were more likely to develop diabetes than women
Poor diet contributed to over 14.1 million cases of type 2 2 diabetes in 2018, representing over 70 per cent of new diagnoses globally, according to a study. Of the 30 most populated countries studied, India, Nigeria, and Ethiopia had the fewest case of type 2 diabetes related to unhealthy eating, the researchers said. The analysis, published in the journal Nature Medicine, looked at data from 1990 and 2018, providing valuable insight into which dietary factors are driving type 2 diabetes burden by world region. The researchers found that Of the 11 dietary factors considered, three had an outsized contribution to the rising global incidence of type 2 diabetes: Insufficient intake of whole grains, excesses of refined rice and wheat, and the overconsumption of processed meat. Factors such as drinking too much fruit juice and not eating enough non-starchy vegetables, nuts, or seeds, had less of an impact on new cases of the disease, they said. "Our study suggests poor carbohydrate ..
Union Minister Jitendra Singh Friday made a strong pitch for the prevention of diabetes in pregnancy to prevent the passing of the health condition to future generations. Addressing the annual conference of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India (DIPSI), Singh said type-2 diabetes has already assumed epidemic proportions in the country which has achieved the dubious distinction of being the 'diabetes capital' of the world. "In an alarming situation like this, unless we can effectively prevent the occurrence of diabetes in pregnant women, it may not be possible to break the chain of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus getting passed from generation to generation and thus affecting the future generations," he said. Singh, a diabetologist, said a woman affected by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is likely to pass on to her progeny a higher preponderance to develop type-2 diabetes and that too at a relatively younger age. Singh, a founder member of DIPSI, had a special word of appreciatio
If perfected, such a breakthrough would be a boon to diabetics and help cement Apple as a powerhouse in health care