Around 85 per cent of Delhi-NCR residents who have a personal or society generator running on diesel are unwilling to retrofit it with CNG, according to a survey carried out by a digital community-based platform. The survey by LocalCircles said that despite the directions of the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM), which banned the use of diesel generator sets from October 1 to December 31, 2023, as part of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to combat air pollution in the region, there is significant resistance among residents. The survey received more than 22,000 responses from Delhi National Capital Region residents located in the cities of Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Faridabad and Ghaziabad. To ease concerns over power disruptions in essential sectors in the NCR, the CAQM in September granted a three-month reprieve for the use of DG sets in nine critical categories of emergency services till December 31. The survey sought to know "How are you/your society complying with
The Centre's Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) has asked Delhi and states in NCR to minimise air pollution due to indiscriminate use of diesel generator sets in industrial, commercial, institutional and residential sectors. At a review meeting with the power distribution companies in Delhi and NCR districts of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan, the panel discussed their preparedness for the winter season when there is a spike in air pollution levels. The meeting aimed at ensuring reliable and uninterrupted power supply during the critical period when air pollution generally worsens due to unfavourable meteorological conditions. One of the key points reiterated during the meeting was the need to minimise air pollution resulting from indiscriminate use of diesel generator sets in industrial, commercial, institutional and residential sectors, according to a statement. The power distribution companies assured the CAQM that efforts are being made to curtail dependence on .
The revised guidelines of CAQM will come into effect starting October 1, 2023, following which, the use of these sets will not be allowed in the Delhi-NCR
Indraprastha Gas Ltd on Friday said it will help housing societies as well as commercial establishments to replace diesel in generators to environment-friendly natural gas.
Environment body told Haryana it will be "very difficult" to grant further extension for providing electricity connections to residential complexes and condominiums
The Bench of Justice Arun Mishra and Deepak Gupta took up the issue of air pollution in the capital and other parts of north India
The cricket match on Sunday was powered by supply from the BSES Yamuna Power Ltd as the use of diesel gensets in Delhi-NCR has been banned by Environment Pollution Control Authority
Announces launch of 125kVA diesel generators in Pune priced at Rs 7.24 lakh