Contemporary communication relies more than ever on how we say something rather than on what we say
Pritish Nandy Communications on Monday said veteran industrialist Ratan Tata has invested in the company
The Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) and The Research Centre Imarat (RCI) were the two labs that participated in this demonstration.
Proposal in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement on August 15 to connect in a thousand days over six-lakh villages
Among the options likely to be deliberated tomorrow is allowing staggered payments for statutory dues for telecom industry
Digital video viewership has nearly doubled in 2 years, but in an uncertain economic environment, advertisers seek more transparency in measurement systems
The DCC has approved 1,917 mobile towers for 2,968 uncovered villages of Arunachal Pradesh and two districts of Assam
The government has not been able to release spectrum optimally, and auctions have seen lukewarm responses due to high reserve prices