The government should enforce traceability and user privacy rules on WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Meet as well as other calling and messaging apps along with telecom operators as such platforms provide similar services using internet network, industry body COAI said. Telecom operators want the government and regulator to enforce message traceability and user privacy rule on these apps to curb spam and illegal activities as majority of messaging traffic has moved to data networks from SMS, COAI said. In a recent direction, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has mandated telecom operators to enhance message traceability. The regulator has mandated that the trail of all messages from senders to recipients must be traceable from November 1, 2024. Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), which represents Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea and others, said that while the telecom service providers are working jointly with the Trai and the other stakeholders on th
Reportedly, the new WhatsApp feature will allow users to disable contact synchronisation for one account while keeping it enabled for another on the same device
Users will have the ability to envision themselves in any setting, from the forest to outer space
Now rolling out to Android and iOS platforms, the WhatsApp redesign features more neutral colours and features rounded in-app icons and illustrations
Messaging across platforms will, however, require Google Workspace subscription and Mio licence for businesses
The new messaging features are now rolling out to both Instagram for Android and iOS apps and will be available for everyone in the coming days
Google said that the step has been taken as a large volume of RCS spam comes from automation, which typically relies on modifications to the sending device
Google is expected to rollout the feature soon with more customisation options for background
Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday said India is leading the world on how people and businesses have embraced messaging as a better way to get things done, as the social media giant unveiled a slew of new tools aimed at supercharging businesses using WhatsApp. Announcing the line-up of key offerings for WhatsApp, Zuckerberg said the company has continued to innovate with its messaging formats, group chats and broadcast channels. "India, (is) a country that's at the forefront of a lot of what we're going to talk about today. You're (India is) leading the world in terms of how people and businesses have embraced messaging as the better way to get things done. Zuckerberg said during a virtual address at Conversations event in Mumbai. The announcements included Meta verified badge for businesses, and expansion of payments service that will facilitate completion of purchases directly in the chat. Zuckerberg also spoke about WhatsApp Flows, which will give businesses the .
Under a new operational structure, the growth, market development, partnerships, content and creator ecosystem teams of Snap in India will now report directly to Trivedi
Meta has introduced new broadcast channels on Instagram, which is a one-to-many messaging tool that will allow creators to engage directly with their followers at scale.
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new 'Report status update' feature on Android beta
Telegram also added a way to quickly add shapes, such as rectangles, circles, arrows, stars, and chat bubbles by tapping the "plus" icon in the editor
ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which follows instructions and prompts and provides detailed responses
It has also launched campaigns to convince Apple to adopt this standard for its own Messages app
The app claims to bring iMessage to Android for free with no need for hardware aside from an Android phone
It is completely up to creators and community leaders to decide how to use the service
Correctly punctuated messages are being interpreted by younger generations quite differently. The message is all that is relevant to them. Anything additional can change its interpretation
Founder Pavel Durov claimed that the company has been keeping the user's data under surveillance for the past 13 years
In the ever-evolving communication landscape, more than 70 per cent of Indians prefer to message businesses rather than sending an email, calling or visiting their website, a new report said