Ahead of filing papers for contesting the Mainpuri Lok Sabha bypoll, Samajwadi Party candidate Dimple Yadav on Monday said she dedicates the nomination to principles and values of party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav. The 44-year-old wife of SP chief Akhilesh Yadav will file her nomination later in the day. In a tweet in Hindi, she said, "With salutation ('naman') to 'netaji' (Mulayam Singh Yadav), we dedicate today's nomination to his principles and values. Netaji's blessings have always been with us, and it will always remain." The bypolls for the Mainpuri Lok Sabha seat will be held on December 5 and the result will be declared on December 8. Filing of nominations for the bypoll has started, and November 17 is the last date for filing of nomination. The Mainpuri parliamentary seat fell vacant following the demise of Mulayam Singh Yadav on October 10. The Mainpuri parliamentary constituency has five assembly segments of Mainpuri, Bhongaon, Kishni, Karhal and Jaswant Nagar. In th
Samajwadi Party candidate for the Mainpuri Lok Sabha bypolls Dimple Yadav is likely to file her nomination papers on Monday, a senior party leader said. The 44-year-old wife of SP chief Akhilesh Yadav will file her nomination at the Mainpuri collectorate on Monday afternoon, Alok Shakya, district president of the Samajwadi Party's Mainpuri district unit, told PTI. Dimple Yadav's candidature is seen as the SP's efforts to carry forward the legacy of her father-in-law Mulayam Singh Yadav on the seat, considered a stronghold of the party since 1996. Her selection is also seen as an attempt to unite party cadres ahead of the bypoll. The by-election for the Mainpuri Lok Sabha seat is fixed for December 5 and the result will be declared on December 8. Filing of nominations for the bypoll has started and November 17 is the last date for filing of nomination. The Mainpuri parliamentary seat fell vacant following the demise of Mulayam Singh Yadav on October 10. The BJP has not announced i
Dimple Yadav's husband and SP chief Akhilesh Yadav is currently on a two-day campaign yatra from Mainpuri to Etah
Both ladies are being seen as the star campaigners in the upcoming elections