The government has offered two discovered oil and gas fields in Mumbai offshore and a coal bed methane field in West Bengal for bidding in the latest Discovered Small Fields (DSF) bid round, regulator DGH said on Monday. In a notice on its website, the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) said, notice inviting offer will be launched on May 28 and bids will close on July 15. "With the objective to augment domestic production of Petroleum and Natural Gas, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India announces the Special DSF Bid Round offering two (02) Discovered Small Field located in Mumbai Offshore (MB/OSDSF/C37/2024 & MB/OSDSF/B15/2024) and one (01) Discovered Coal Bed Methane field located in West Bengal (SR-ONCBM (Raniganj)-2024) through International Competitive Bidding (ICB)," it said. It however did not give details like reserves. Those may be included in the NIO. DSF was launched in 2016 and since then three rounds have been held. In the first ...
Four companies, including 3 state-owned, put in 10 bids for the 8 oil and gas blocks on offer in India's latest round of bidding for exploration acreage, says the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.
GH has made it easier for firms to explore and produce oil and gas in the country by limiting the requirement of statutory approvals to only extension of contracts
The e-bidding portal was open since August 9 and would continue till December 18