Vodafone Idea on Wednesday announced the bundling of Disney+Hotstar VIP access for 1 year for customers paying Rs 401 and above. The facility will be available for customers recharging their account with plans priced at Rs 401, Rs 601, Rs 801 and Rs 501, while postpaid users paying a monthly rental of Rs 499 and above will be able to avail it. "VI collaborates with Disney+ Hotstar, one of India's leading video streaming platforms to bring high-quality entertainment and a year full of Cricket to VI customers. "This coming-together aims to bring the best of video content to Indians across the two most popular genres of entertainment and cricket," Vodafone Idea said in a statement. VI is already offering access to Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc to select a set of customers. "With the packed calendar of exciting cricket action this year - combined with the high-quality, impactful stories Disney+ Hotstar offers - we are delighted to entertain Vi's large customer base of Indians throughout
Surprisingly strong interest from adults who do not have kids at home has helped increase subscriptions to Walt Disney Co's Disney+ streaming service beyond initial projections
Cisco Systems Inc and Walt Disney Co were the top gainers among 30 Dow components, helping the blue-chip index rise 0.8%.
Disney+ Hotstar to capitalise on opportunity
A newspaper columnist and some social media commentators have faulted Disney for filming in China's Xinjiang region and for thanking government departments there in the film's credits
The partnerships are aimed at making it easier for people to subscribe to the streaming service
It could reach more than 530 mn viewers on TV and a few hundred million more online. But can it make money for Disney Star?
WeChat is a popular Chinese messaging application that is especially successful in China
According to the study, there was a clear shift and increase in content consumption patterns since the onset of the lockdown
The broadcaster has ruled out any cut in the premium it charges for IPL advertising
White House negotiators on Tuesday vowed to work "around the clock" with congressional Democrats to try to reach a deal on the package by the end of this week
Audiences will have to wait a year more for a trip to Pandora or a galaxy far, far away as Disney has pushed all the sequels to James Cameron's Avatar movies and Star Wars franchise by a year
Disney joins other companies like Starbucks Corp, Unilever Plc, Adidas AG and others that have pulled advertising from the tech giant
The announcement came two days after Disney reopened its biggest resort, Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, as coronavirus cases surged in the state.
Of the top 10 kids networks almost all - Viacom 18, WarnerMedia, Disney, Sony Yay, Discovery Kids, and Sun Network - have seen a rise of 20-100 per cent in viewership.
Starting in the late 1960s, Turkey produced a number of low-budget, high-octane superhero and adventure movies
Some of the Disney Plus content that became available to Hotstar users ahead of the streaming service's launch in India on March 29, are no longer available on the app
Most of the Disney titles are available in English and a few Indian languages like Hindu, Tamil, Telugu, etc
The operator Oriental Land said it currently hoped to resume operations from March 16
Disney said its system hasn't been hacked and that it's working to quickly address the issue