Hachimoji DNA could be a far more durable way to store digital data that could last for centuries
The genetic code is being used in many ways - from investigating crime to drawing up a personalised diet plan, tracing one's ancestry and even as artwork
The book is brilliantly lucid in its explanations of methodology, and specific studies. It's written from a standpoint of humility.
India has a proposal that would make it mandatory for anybody making a police complaint to provide a DNA sample
The findings may lead to drugs to treat cancer, Alzheimer's, protect astronauts from radiation
The team created the nanomachine from compartments made up of DNA enzyme molecules and substrates
They compressed the files into a master file, and then split data into short strings of binary code
A high body mass index leads to epigenetic changes at nearly 200 loci of the genome
The emergence of algorithmic analysis programs is creating a new frontier of DNA science