The Uttar Pradesh cabinet on Tuesday approved a proposal to increase the retirement age of government doctors in the state from 62 years to 65 years. However, the decision taken at a cabinet meeting presided over by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will not be applicable to senior medical officers posted at the administrative level, an official statement said. The cabinet gave its nod to the proposal to increase the superannuation (retirement) age of doctors working under the Provincial Medical and Health Services cadre, it said. The superannuation age of levels one to four medical officers has been increased from 62 years to 65 years. However, senior medical officers like director general (level seven), director (level six), and additional director/ chief superintendent/ superintendent/ chief city health officer (level 5) will retire at the age of 62 years after completing the superannuation age, the statement said. The medical officers of joint director grade (level four) serving o
Union Health Minister J P Nadda said it will address the problem of shortage of doctors in the country
The decision was taken at a meeting of the Union cabinet chaired by PM Modi here