Veteran actor Tabassum, known for her work as a child artiste and also as host of popular Doordarshan talk show "Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan", has died after suffering a cardiac arrest, her son Hoshang Govil said on Saturday. "Few days ago, she was admitted to a hospital. She had gastro problem and we went there for check-up. She suffered two cardiac attacks at 8.40 pm and 8.42 pm. She passed away peacefully on Friday night, Hoshang told PTI. As a child artist, Tabassum was known as Baby Tabassum and starred in movies such as "Nargis", "Mera Suhaag", "Manjhdhar" and "Bari Behen" in the late 1940s. She hosted the celebrity talk show "Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan" from 1972 to 1993 on Doordarshan.
New guidelines for satellite channels leave wide scope for interpretation
Content for DD Kids will come from broadcaster's library and partnerships with animation studios and production houses: sources
DD India will now be available to its viewers through an OTT platform in several countries, including the US, UK and Australia, to put forth India's perspective on various international developments
Vinod Dua, a Hindi broadcast journalism pioneer with stints in Doordarshan and NDTV, was moved to the ICU of Apollo Hospital on Monday
David Warner made 49, while Matthew Wade smashed a 17-ball unbeaten 41 and Marcus Stoinis was not out on 40 off 31 deliveries as Australia overhauled the target with an over to spare
Star Sports Network will live broadcast all the matches ICC T20 World Cup 2021. Doordarshan to live broadcast India matches for free on its terrestrial network
There are some medal possibilities too as Mirabai Chanu will compete in weightlifting, Pravin Jadhav and Deepika Kumari will feature in Archery mixed team event. Check today's India Olympics schedule
DD Sports will broadcast the Tokyo Olympics live daily while other channels of Doordarshan and the All India Radio (AIR) will air special programmes on the mega international sporting event.
Sri Lanka scored 262 for nine after opting to bat in the first One-day International (ODI) against India. Check IND vs SL highlights and scorecards here
Italy defeated England 3-2 in the penalty shootout denying the home team its first title after a gap of 55 years
The five-day game has become a 6-day affair as two days in the IND vs WTC final was washed out. Check WTC final follow-on rule, reserve day, prize money, IND vs NZ live telecast free
The UK has BBC World, France has France 24 and TV5 Monde Asie, Germany has DW TV, China has multilingual global CCTV, CGTN and CNC World, Russia has Russia Today in English and Spanish, Japan has NHK-
Jos Buttler will lead England today as Morgan is ruled out of the remaining two ODIs. Check IND vs ENG 2nd ODI final playing 11 and free telecast details here
India handed ODI debut to Krunal Pandya and Prasidh Krishna. Check IND vs ENG free live streaming and telecast details here
Jason Roy then smashed 49 off 32 balls as England overhauled the target, in 15.3 overs. Check India vs England 1st T20 scorecard and match highlights here
Digital channels of Prasar Bharati have registered more than 100 per cent growth in 2020, with Pakistan being the second highest digital audience for Doordarshan (DD) and All India Radio (AIR)
Premnarayen, who became the youngest president of AAAI in 1988, had played a key role in its rise to prominence and its tie-ups with I&B Ministry, Doordarshan and All India Radio
While he will talk about the importance of Yoga in today's life, it is not yet clear whether he will touch upon the India-China face-off
For many who believe that TV is dead, this tells you a different story