The APSCHE will declare today the round 1 seat allotment result for the Engineering, Agriculture and Medical (Pharmacy) Common Entrance Test counselling at
Students who took the AP EAPCET in 2024 can get their Manabadi EAPCET scorecards from the official website at once they get their results
The online registration process for the AP EAMCET/EAPCET Counselling 2023 has begun on
As of now, the tentative dates for AP EAMCET 2022 Counselling are August 22 till 30
The Council of Higher Education will also announce the names of toppers and will also release a category-wise cut-off list
AP EAMCET candidates from rank 1 to 60,000 can make changes in the option till tomorrow
AP EAMCET 2020 admit card: Here are steps to download the call letter
Police say Delhi-based racket behind the question paper leakage