Meta said Wednesday that it will allow some Facebook users to view eBay listings on its Marketplace service, as it tries out a possible way to resolve European Union charges of anticompetitive behaviour that the bloc levelled last year. The social media company said it's launching a test that will let Facebook users in Germany, France and the US browse eBay listings directly on its Marketplace online classifieds service but complete the transaction on eBay. Meta is carrying out the trial after Brussels slapped the company in November with a penalty of nearly 800 million euros ($824 million) for what it called abusive practices involving Marketplace. European Union antitrust enforcers accused Meta of illegally shutting out competition by tying Marketplace to its social network and automatically exposing Facebook users to Marketplace whether or not they wanted it. They also accused Meta of gaining an unfair advantage through ad-related data. While we disagree with and continue to app
The e-commerce giant eBay will pay $59 million in a settlement with the Justice Department over thousands of pill press machines sold on the the platform. The machines can be used to manufacture counterfeit pills that look just like prescription pills but instead can be laced with substances like fentanyl, a synthetic opioid drug that is largely fuelling the deadliest overdose crisis in US history, according to the Justice Department. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Sellers of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment are required to verify buyers' identities, keep records, and report to the Drug Enforcement Administration to make sure the machines are traceable and not used illegally. The Justice Department says eBay, which provides a platform for people to make online sales, failed to meet those requirements for thousands of pill presses and pill-filling encapsulating machines, including high-capacity pill presses capable of producing thousands of ..
Online retailer eBay Inc will cut about 1,000 jobs, or an estimated 9% of its full-time workforce, saying its number of employees and costs have exceeded how much the business is growing in a slowing economy. It marks the latest layoffs in the tech industry. CEO Jamie Iannone said in a message to employees on Tuesday that the company also will reduce how many contracts we have within our alternate workforce over the coming months. Those who are being laid off will be told through Zoom calls with their bosses, Iannone said, requesting that people work from home Wednesday to allow privacy for those conversations. We need to better organise our teams for speed allowing us to be more nimble, bring like-work together, and help us make decisions more quickly, he said in the note, which was posted online. These changes are difficult, but I'm confident that by working together we will become stronger than ever, Iannone added. San Jose, California-based eBay is the latest tech company to
The e-commerce company said it needs to be "more nimble" in the face of a "challenging" economic environment
The reductions are in response to the "macroeconomic situation around the world," Chief Executive Officer Jamie Iannone said Tuesday in a statement
The crypto niche is on course to record its first month with under $1 billion in sales since June 2021, according to data tracker DappRadar
An alleged prototype of Google's upcoming Pixel 7 smartphone has been offered on eBay, giving the audience a sneak peek at the device months before its official release.
The company reported a 5% decline in the number of active buyers on its marketplace in the third quarter
Billionaire tech critic Pierre Omidyar who founded e-commerce platform eBay is financially supporting Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen to take on the social media giant
The Australian antitrust regulator on Thursday kicked off an inquiry into local units of Inc, eBay Inc and other online markets to ensure fairness in a sector where sales have soared
Shinsegae Group's E-Mart officially acquired about 80 per cent of share in eBay Korea, which operates G market and Auction, on the 30th
Amazon, which has been under pressure from shoppers, brands and lawmakers to crack down on counterfeits on its site, said Monday that it blocked more than 10 billion suspected phony listings last year
Recommendations have been made to the government for a differentiated policy framework for e-commerce in the revised Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) which is expected to come into effect from April 1, 2021
The $9.2 billion deal announced in July would create the world's largest classifieds group, but Adevinta and eBay must first resolve the Competition and Markets Authority's concerns (CMA) to proceed w
The new PlayStation 5 is among the products that resellers are snatching up using 'scalper bots'
While, a majority of these outlets would be set up in UP, stores will also be launched in other states
Adityanath said his government was steadfastly working towards making the state self reliant and exploring all such possibilities
The acquisition comes as the coronavirus crisis boosts demand for online marketplaces, with consumers turning to online shopping due to prolonged lockdowns and social distancing measures
IBM, US Chamber of Commerce oppose retaliatory tariffs
An initiative to fund the education of bright Indian youngsters undertaken by two Indian-Americans has now acquired a momentum of its own