A Goa Minister on Tuesday said that the prolonged Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) project in Sanguem may create 2,000 employment opportunities which would benefit the local youth
This is the second of a four-part series examining diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in corporate India. Part 2 looks at a decline in the representation of women in the workforce
The refinery, crude oil and natural gas sector, dominated by public sector companies, has done better on inclusion
However, IT companies have also been strategic in the extent of hiring cuts that have varied from campus to campus
The combined cement capacity of these units will be 5 million tonnes per annum
The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates aggressively to help lower spending on goods and services and reduce demand for workers, which could in turn soften wage growth
Besides mining, the company has pioneered development initiatives and steered changes in improving the quality of education in remote areas as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR).
TurboHire ensures accuracy in candidate selection and reduces the cost and time spent on hiring
Under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the NCS portal acts as a bridge between job seekers and employers. It also provides career counselling and training to the candidates
India needs excellence in higher education with employability
It was rural India that made the bigger contribution to the turnaround in labour conditions
The tripartite agreement between DePwD, SCPwD and Amazon focuses on skilling, certification, and entrepreneurship designed to uniquely enable and position PwD participation in mainstream society
Across-the-board improvement in mortality rates over the years, shows govt data
Besides health, trade and IT/BPO sectors saw vacancies increasing during the pandemic's Omicron phase
The companies want law firms to redraft employment agreements, find loopholes and enforce restrictions to address the issue of moonlighting
Mfg sector was worst hit with 140,000 job cuts, followed by education (22,204) and construction (8,954). IT/BPO created most new jobs at 370,000, followed by the health sector (93,701)
India's post-pandemic recovery appears to be shaping up like the letter K. In a three-part series, Business Standard illustrates how the K-shaped recovery is widening the inequality among states
He added the days when employees signed up with big tech majors and spent their lives on the job were long gone
The Factories Act is one such, but its provisions don't apply to firms that don't run a factory; many states have their own laws on the matter
Companies such as Flipkart, Amazon, Meesho and Myntra are gearing up to host their biggest festive sale events without covid restrictions for the first time in three years