As India stands at the threshold of an election, a Márquez comment assumes unusual significance
The list of 100 notable books of 2023 includes seven books written by Indian-origin writers, including Salman Rushdie and Pico Iyer
The Bhagavad Gita is not the only Gita in the Mahabharata. Bibek Debroy's Sacred Songs delves into the rich tapestry of 25 of them, offering translations, insights and profound philosophical themes
O'Hara could type off a short story the way assistant editors used to type off editorials. Enjoyable writing. Making a simple point. And above all, short - and so well written
If giving pleasure to hundreds of millions can be a yardstick for a worthwhile life, le Carre measured up perfectly
Le Carre upended that notion with books that portrayed British intelligence operations as cesspools of ambiguity in which right and wrong are too close to call
Born David Cornwall, le Carre was born in England in 1931, and first worked in foreign Intelligence for the British Army while studying foreign languages abroad
Avatar's malleability of spirit and usage is quite remarkable, given its divine connections and usage within the Indian religious and mythological framework
A few years ago, most pleasingly as it has turned out, have come the historical crime novels situated in India
The fear is not only about the virus but also how humans respond to the challenge
McEnany and Bamford, slowed by bad periods, have earned their big moments
How many stories should make up a collection?
Pranab Bardhan selects three books to explain how the depiction in fiction today of life in small town India is far away from the ordered world of Malgudi
I think people like Mrs Braun's books because they instinctively recognise something that is done well. The other is a much subtler one