The report said the funds raised through ECM deals fell because deals were of smaller values
IPOs by Indian companies totalled $3.9 billion in the first half of 2021, more than thrice the amount raised from the same period last year
M&A advisory fee down 5.1 per cent to a three-year low of $303 million
This is already a record year for amount mobilised through the equity capital markets (ECM), topping $31.2 billion raised during calendar 2007, according to financial data firm Refinitiv
Lender plans to raise additional tier-I capital of Rs 1,500 crore each in second and third quarters of FY21
ECM underwriting fees stood at $96 million in H1, 6.7% lower than the corresponding period in 2019
Initial public offerings experienced their third consecutive annual decline, totalling $2.5 billion in 2019, down 46.2 per cent from last year
Debt capital market underwriting fees totalled $201.2 million, up 108.7 per cent from a year ago - the best-ever first three quarters since records began in 2000
Equity market fee up 21% even as issuances fall 44% this year