Markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday imposed penalties totalling Rs 2 crore on 17 entities for non-compliance with its investigation and failure to provide complete and timely information in the matter of Eros International Media Ltd. The regulator levied a fine of Rs 12 lakh each on the 17 entities and the amount needs to be paid within 45 days, according to Sebi's order. The matter revolves around alleged financial irregularities and mismanagement concerning agreements between Eros International Media Ltd. (EIML) and Spicy Entertainment & Media Ltd. (SEML), along with other related entities. The regulator sought detailed information regarding shareholders and directors of SEML since its incorporation; agreements and transactions between EIML and SEML, including ledgers, bank statements and tax filings, details of co-produced movies and reasons for incomplete or terminated projects and information on payments and refunds between the two companies. In its order, Sebi noted repeated ..
Realty firm Eros Group is expecting around Rs 900 crore revenue from its new housing project in Greater Noida (West) on strong demand for premium residential properties. The company has recently launched its new housing project 'Eros Sampoornam 3' in Greater Noida West comprising a total of 726 units. The project is spread over 5.5 acre and is scheduled to be delivered by 2028. To begin with, Eros Group has opened 318 units across five towers for sale and has already sold around 180 units valuing Rs 250 crore. Avneesh Sood Director, Eros Group said, "The early sales success reflects the trust and confidence that homebuyers have in our brand." A company official said the total sales realisation for the entire 726 units is expected to be around Rs 900 crore. The carpet area of flats ranges from 531.63 square feet to 1,068.67 square feet. Eros Group has already delivered its 12.5 acre housing project 'Sampoornam' comprising 1,768 units. It will soon offer possession for 'Sampoornam 1
Sebi has observed that Eros' 95 per cent of the revenue between the 2019-20 financial year (FY20) and FY22 have been from related parties
Results sourced from RoC show YRF reported highest profit in seven years, while Dharma recovered nearly all its pre-Covid profit; listed peers Balaji, Eros in red
Over $75 million in commitments have been already received, while the rest will be tied-up before the execution of the merger
Default judgment is short-term win of reputation
Film studio will release two Indo-Chinese productions featuring talent from both countries
Under the tie-up, successful titles of 90s, the 'No 1' series including Hero No 1, Coolie No 1 and Biwi No 1 will be remade