Capital markets regulator Sebi has slapped a fine of Rs 50 lakh on promoter and former MD of Eros International Media Sunil Arjan Lulla in a case related to the violation of regulatory norms. In June 2023, Sebi passed an interim order, wherein the regulator prohibited five entities, including Eros International and its Managing Director (MD) Sunil Lulla from securities markets in a case on the possible diversion of funds based on prima facie findings. The regulator also barred Sunil Lulla from holding the position of a director or a key managerial personnel in any listed company, including Eros or its subsidiaries or any Sebi-registered intermediary until further orders. Thereafter, Sunil Lulla appealed before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) against Sebi's interim order. However, the tribunal upheld the order of the regulator in August 2023. In October 2023, the regulator confirmed the ban against them. The markets watchdog observed that Sunil Lulla had failed to comply wi
It's an all-stock deal, newly-formed entity Eros STX Entertainment Corp sees $125 million in PE Funding
Over $75 million in commitments have been already received, while the rest will be tied-up before the execution of the merger
Shares of Eros International Media Monday fell 9.90 per cent on the BSE to hit its 52-week low and the lower circuit of Rs 40.95 apiece
Stock price of Eros International Media on Thursday crashed 20 per cent on the BSE
Almost 66 per cent of promoter stake in Zee Entertainment and over 90 per cent in Dish TV are pledged to lenders against loans taken for business purposes
A surge in Asian dollar note sales is testing investor appetite after the market's best rally in years
PAT for the quarter stood at Rs 593 mn, up 22.8% from last year's Rs 483 mn
Eros is expected to raise between $200 and $230 mn through sale of dollar bonds with 5 year maturity
Trinity Pictures has tied up with 'Chacha Chaudhary' publisher Diamond Comics for a comic series
company says profitability was impacted due to holding back of high-margin catalogue revenues in second half, and postponement of some Q4 releases to FY17
In November 2015, US attorneys had initiated investigations against Eros International, following allegations that the company might have issued misleading business information to the investing public