Spices Board of India on Monday said it is looking into the ban imposed by Hong Kong and Singapore on the sale of four spices-mix products of Indian brands MDH and Everest, which allegedly contain pesticide 'ethylene oxide' beyond permissible limits. While the food safety regulator of Hong Kong has asked consumers not to buy these products and traders not to sell, the Singapore Food Agency has directed a recall of the products. "We are looking into the matter. We are at it," Spices Board of India Director A B Rema Shree told PTI. The companies could not be contacted immediately. In its April 5 statement, the Hong Kong's Center for Food Safety (CFS) said that the samples of several kinds of pre-packaged spice-mix products of two Indian brands were found to contain a pesticide, ethylene oxide. These products are MDH's Madras Curry Powder (Spice blend for Madras Curry), Everest Fish Curry Masala, MDH Sambhar Masala Mixed Masala Powder, MDH Curry Powder Mixed Masala ...
Following a Hong Kong alert, Singapore has recalled Everest's fish curry masala due to high levels of ethylene oxide, a pesticide linked to cancer
The companies' products are hugely popular in India and are exported to countries in Europe, Asia and North America
Currently, spice exports to Singapore and Hong Kong require mandatory testing for the carcinogen Aflatoxin and the dye Sudan I-IV
The Centre for Food Safety said there was the presence of ethylene oxide in MDH Group's madras curry powder, sambhar masala powder, and curry powder
49 American climbers successfully climbed Everest, followed by 47 successful ascends by Chinese climbers