The Supreme Court on Friday granted a last opportunity to the Centre to file its response on a PIL seeking CBI probe into the RBI exchanging defaced currency notes worth Rs 30 crore allegedly belonging to a Kashmiri separatist group. While noting enough time had been given to the Union of India to file its reply, a bench of Justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan granted four more weeks "in the interest of justice". The top court was hearing a PIL filed by one Satish Bhardwaj, who alleged in 2013 the Jammu branch of RBI exchanged the currency notes amounting to Rs 30 crore allegedly belonging to a separatist group called "Kashmir Graffitti". Bhardwaj's plea said, "The act of the Jammu branch of Reserve Bank of India to exchange the defaced/imperfect Indian currency notes worth Rs 30 crore -- that too done by a separatist group of Kashmir with the main aim of destabilising peace and harmony in the region of Jammu and Kashmir and to create an environment of tension and terror in the mind
The number of counterfeit notes of Rs 2,000 denomination detected in the system was 13,604 pieces during 2021-22, up 54.6 per cent from the preceding financial year
Total face value of fake currency detected post demonetisation according to the RBI was Rs 19.53 cr