Modest memory issues are common when we start ageing
What tennis offers is an escape, a retreat from the world, a forgetting. And what about this world, at this time, is worth remembering?
We did not always go to four, or three, or even two, places, but, yes, we did party-hop, and when we weren't going out, friends were coming home
'And I'm back at work, where it's quieter than home is likely to be for a while', says the author
Over the years, we had seen our friends and their children happily arriving at parties together, unmindful of the uncles and aunties, a trend my daughter was a vocal critic of
There is a flurry of them, descending in gaggles at different points of the day, sending me into a rictus of despair with a look and a raised eyebrow, reminiscent of past demeanours
The first to pack and go was my daughter, who argued that there was a wedding in Abu Dhabi she'd been invited to - "my friend's best's friend's kid sister" - so, how could she not go?