Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday said the state secured the top rank in attracting Foreign Direct Investment worth Rs 36,634 crore which is more than the sum of the investment received by Delhi, Karnataka and Telangana in the first quarter of FY 2023-24. Maharashtra which was ranked first in attracting FDI of Rs 1,18,422 crore in the FY 2022-23, also ranks first in the 1st quarter of FY 2023-24. As per the figures released by DPIIT, an FDI investment of Rs 36,634 crore has come in Maharashtra," he said on X, formerly Twitter. Maharashtra's FDI is more than the cumulative sum of FDI in Delhi, Karnataka and Telangana which rank second, third, and fourth, respectively, he said. Under the leadership of CM Eknath Shinde, our state is moving ahead at a fast pace and Maharashtra has become the favourite destination for investors, Fadnavis added. Fadnavis said he and Chief Minister Eknath Shinde had delivered on the promise made when their government took over
Inflows dipped in segments including computer hardware and software, trading, automobile and pharma
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said India has moved from "red tape" to "red carpet" and has enabled unfettered Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows in the last nine years
The state now plans to organise a groundbreaking ceremony to kick-start the first tranche of projects from GIS 2023, which will include a range of FDI projects
Gross FDI had moderated from $ 84.8 billion in Fy22 to $ 71.4 billion in Fy23
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India should aspire for a 10 per cent share in global 6G patents by 2030, Union minister for IT and telecom Ashwini Vaishnaw said on Monday. While launching Bharat 6G alliance, Vaishnaw said that the foreign direct investment in the country's telecom sector has reached close to USD 24 billion between 2014 and 2023. He said that India has now become an exporter of technologies and it already has 200 patents for 6G. The minister said Bharat 6G Alliance -- a forum for development of 6G technology -- will provide opportunities for filing more intellectual property rights for 5G advance technologies and as the world moves towards 6G, there will be more and more institutions and companies working together in India to file more intellectual property rights (IPRs) for 6G. "We should keep a minimum target of 10 per cent of 6G IPRs from India by the time we reach 2029 or 2030," Vaishnaw said. For the first time, India's technology contributions have made way into 5G development standards an
India appears to be the silver lining amid global headwinds and is poised to leapfrog into the future, but the country must address challenges like employment and agriculture productivity, said HUL Chairman Nitin Paranjpe. Addressing the AGM of the company on Monday, Paranjpe said India has been the fastest-growing economy in the last decade and is touted to become the world's third-largest economy by 2027, surpassing Japan and Germany. It is emerging steadily from the shadows of being a poor nation, and taking 'centre stage'. "The country's ambition of becoming a high-middle income country by 2047, when the nation celebrates 100 years of independence, is a definite possibility," Paranjpe said in his speech titled Transforming to Win in the New India. This would be led by factors like favourable demographics, rising consumption, enviable digital public infrastructure, investments and a culture of innovation and enterprise. According to HUL Chairman, a growing young population can
More inbound FDI, as well as Indian capital invested in the US
The United Arab Emirates (UAE), with which India implemented a comprehensive free trade agreement in May last year, has emerged as the fourth largest investor in India during 2022-23, according to government data. In the last fiscal, foreign direct investment (FDI) from the UAE to India jumped over three-fold to USD 3.35 billion from USD 1.03 billion in 2021-22, the data of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) showed. The UAE was the fourth largest investor in India in 2022-23 compared to the seventh in 2021-22. Singapore was the largest investor in India with USD 17.2 billion investment in FY23, followed by Mauritius (USD 6.1 billion) and the US (USD 6 billion). "The rapidly strengthening of bilateral ties and investment cooperation between India and United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be chiefly attributed to the strong bilateral relations between India and UAE, growth in investment commitments from UAE, and the policy reforms to further ease of doing ..
If the global economy slows down and interest rates harden further, it may hit foreign investments again
About 40-50 foreign direct investment (FDI)proposals from countries sharing land border with India under the provisions of Press Note 3 are pending for approval with the government, official sources said. Under Press Note 3, the government has made its prior approval mandatory for foreign investments from countries that share land border with India. These countries are China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar and Afghanistan. As per that decision, FDI proposals from these countries need government approval for investments in India in any sector. "About 40-50 proposals are pending with the commerce and industry ministry as they require security and political clearances," one of the sources said. Sources added that there is no consideration at present to ease norms under this press note. "FDI is not totally banned from these countries. It is just that they (investors from these countries) have to follow the government approval route and of course that takes times," a sour
Angel tax will affect the flow of FDI
The trading sector amassed $4.79 billion in FDI but contracted YoY
Foreign direct investment (FDI) into India declined by 22 per cent to USD 46 billion in 2022-23, dragged by lower inflows in computer hardware and software, and automobile industry, according to the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) data. The FDI inflows stood at USD 58.77 billion during 2021-22. Total FDI inflows, which include equity inflows, re-invested earnings and other capital, declined by 16 per cent to USD 70.97 billion in the last fiscal as against USD 84.83 billion in 2021-22. During April-March 2022-23, Singapore emerged as the top investor with USD 17.2 billion FDI. It was followed by Mauritius (USD 6.13 billion), the US (USD 6 billion), the UAE (USD 3.35 billion), the Netherlands (USD 2.5 billion), Japan (USD 1.8 billion), UK (USD 1.73 billion), Cyprus (USD 1.27 billion), Cayman island (USD 772 million), and Germany (USD 547 million), the data showed. The FDI inflows have contracted in 2022-23 from Mauritius, the US, the Netherlands, the
India has emerged as a key source country for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Dubai, one of the wealthiest of the seven emirates in the United Arab Emirates, according to a report released on Monday. It ranked among the top five source countries for announced FDI projects and estimated FDI capital, according to a report released by "fDi Markets', a service from UK's Financial Times Ltd. With 77.5 per cent of greenfield projects, the top sectors by FDI projects from India into Dubai in 2022 were software & IT services (32 per cent), business services (19 per cent), consumer products (9 per cent), real estate (6 per cent), and financial services (5 per cent). Meanwhile, the top sectors by FDI capital from India into Dubai in 2022 were consumer products (28 per cent), software & IT services (20 per cent), communications (19 per cent), pharmaceuticals (8 per cent), and business services (8 per cent). Apart from maintaining its first rank as a destination city for FDI from ...
The decline in FDI must be addressed
Country's strength to attract global investments remains intact, they say
A day after ED conducted searches, seizure action at premises of Byju's, the founder and CEO Raveendran said that the company has taken all efforts to comply with all applicable foreign exchange laws
Behind the inauguration of two signature stores next week is a roller-coaster ride for the IT major in its effort to make India its alternative manufacturing and export hub