While credit extended by them has fallen substantially, the sector has seen an increase in bad loans ratio, too
The low valuations of state-run banks also make it difficult for them to tap the market
Different stance on NPAs will be the discussion point; report was slated to release on Wednesday
Non-banking financial companies may well face a second wave of liquidity problems after the loan moratorium is lifted, writes Raghu Mohan
The issue of financial stability in monetary policy has always been an unsettled issue, ever since the global financial crisis
Report says despite broad stability in financial markets, pandemic could amplify financial vulnerabilities, including corporate and household debt burden in the case of severe economic contraction
Report says pullouts from funds could be concerted in times of stress
In March, the RBI had announced a moratorium on repayment of term loans till May 31. It was later extended for another three months.
Gross NPAs of banks may rise from 8.5% this March to 12.5% by March 2021 but could worsen to 14.7% under very severely stressed scenarios. However, no bank will fail, apex vank says in FSR
The CII president is not in favour of waiver of interest by banks during the moratorium period
A more granular analysis of FY19 and FY18 credit data shows that of the 161 and 148 firms which fall in the 'very large accounts' category, 126 firms were common for both the years
Fresh provisioning and telco loans to figure in pre-Budget meet. Inability to find resolution may put Rs 3.8 trn loans at risk
According to the FSR, the regulator conducted macro stress tests for credit risks to assess the banking system's resilience to macroeconomic shocks under baseline conditions
For majority of the sectors, average risk weight (loan exposure of banks) has declined between March and September 2019
Also, during the first half of FY20, banks reported 398 cases of large-value frauds (above Rs 50 crore) worth Rs 1.05 trillion and 21 cases of frauds above Rs 1,000 cr, worth a cumulative Rs 44,951 cr
Non-disclosure of indicative ratings by agencies makes it difficult to identify such instances, according to the FSR
State-owned banks have been grappling with stressed loans and limited capacity to absorb further rise in slippages expected due to prolonged economic slowdown
The report also pointed out that the nature of recent FMP defaults had primarily involved debt obligations backed by pledging of shares of group companies
FSR a 6-monthly report issued by the RBI says investment demand remains weak
However, risks to the banking system remain