Campus Activewear Ltd on Tuesday reported over three-fold increase in its consolidated net profit at Rs 39.60 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 2022. The shoemaker, which was listed on BSE earlier this month, had posted a net profit of Rs 10.01 crore in the January-March quarter a year ago, said Campus Activewear Ltd in a regulatory filing. Its revenue from operation rose 28.07 per cent to Rs 352.33 crore against Rs 275.10 crore in the year-ago period. "Net profit during the quarter stood at Rs 39.61 croe, PAT (Profit After Tax) margins expanded by 760 basis points year-on-year to 11.2 per cent in Q4 FY22," said Campus Activewear in a post-earnings statement. The company's total expenses were at Rs 295.30 crore, up 31.05 per cent in Q4 FY22 compared to Rs 225.32 crore in Q4 FY21. For the entire fiscal ended March 2022, Campus Activewear's net profit was up over four-fold to Rs 124.41 crore. It had reported a net profit of Rs 26.86 crore in the previous fiscal. Its revenue
Owned by Aero Club, the privately-held Woodland closed FY22 with Rs 1,000 crore revenue and has set a target of crossing Rs 1,200 crore this year or clawing back to the pre-pandemic sales this fiscal
The industry is also urging the government to extend the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme to the sector.
V Noushad urged the government to take steps to boost the local manufacturing of components, machines and designs in the non-leather category
Mirza Internataional hit a 4-year high on soaring 20 per cent in intra-day trades on the BSE after the company said one of its promoters bought 100,000 equity shares via open market recently.
The increase in product prices are on account of higher input costs, GST hike
Bata India on Wednesday reported a consolidated net profit helped by an increase in sales
Domestic investors have hiked stake in the company by 243 basis points (bps) to 17.88 per cent, while foreign shareholding increased marginally to 5.35 per cent at the end of June 2021 quarter
This is part of the firm's efforts to save cash through enhanced productivity, cost-reduction and tight inventory management
The fitment committee, which recommends rate changes to the Council, has proposed increasing the rate on footwear (less than Rs 1,000), readymade garments, and fabrics to 12% from 5% now
Shah takes over next month; Sandeep Kataria, Bata India's current CEO, has been elevated to the position of global CEO
After revenue contraction by over a fifth in the pandemic-impacted FY21, the Indian footwear sector can look forward to a 25 per cent jump in toplines in FY22
Adidas said last month it plans to sell or spin off Reebok
India is the second largest global producer of footwear with 2.6 billion pairs/year in 2019, whereas China ranks first with 13.47 billion pairs
According to a DPIIT notification, the products would have to conform to the specified standards and bear the standard mark under a licence from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
Analysts believe Bata's margin and earnings growth would see relatively more pressure than players like Relaxo Footwears
The silver lining, however, is that if the industry checks certain boxes it could over time tap the export vacuum China will leave behind
Production will now happen at Agra in collaboration with Iatric Industries; German brand is sold in 80 countries and has over 100 mn customers worldwide
Says it may require support from government in the form of reduction in GST, especially for footwear priced above Rs 1,000
GST can hit the growth prospects of Rs 30,000-crore domestic footwear industry