Fosun Pharma, one of the promoters of Gland Pharma, on Wednesday divested a 6 per cent stake for Rs 1,754 crore through an open market transaction. Chinese drug firm Fosun Pharma, through its arm Fosun Pharma Industrial Pte, offloaded the shares of Hyderabad-based Gland Pharma through a bulk deal on the BSE. According to the bulk deal data available on the BSE, Fosun Pharma Industrial Pte disposed of 99 lakh shares or a 6 per cent stake in Gland Pharma. The shares were sold at an average price of Rs 1,771.81 apiece, taking the deal size to Rs 1,754.09 crore. After the stake sale, Fosun Pharma's shareholding in Gland Pharma has declined to 51.86 per cent from 57.86 per cent. Meanwhile, UBS Principal Capital Asia picked up 8.25 lakh shares, amounting to a 0.5 per cent stake in Gland Pharma. The shares were purchased at an average price of Rs 1,771.05 per piece, taking the transaction value to Rs 146.11 crore. Details of the other buyers of Gland Pharma's shares could not be ...
Fosun Pharma, a listed arm of Chinese conglomerate Fosun International Ltd., has been working with an adviser as it informally gauges interest in its controlling stake in Gland, the people said
The group had total debt of about 1.9 billion pounds as of March 31
Chinese conglomerate recently announced the buying of 86 per cent stake in India's Gland Pharma for up to $1.26 billion
India pharma deal suggests Fosun is an M&A junkie