The FRBM committee had recommended a fiscal deficit target of 2.5% of GDP
FRBM panel recommended fiscal deficit target of 2.5% of GDP, revenue deficit of 0.8% for 2022-23
Centre considering FRBM panel recommendations; legislative action required to set fiscal road map
FRBM panel suggested that fiscal deficit should be brought down to 2.5% by 2022-23 from 3.2%
New Delhi, 13 AprilThe committee report on the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) law's recommendation for a new Fiscal Council to monitor implementation comes after studying the examples of 40 other countries, advanced and emerging. The panel, whose report was made public on Wednesday, has proposed the Council as an autonomous body but under the finance ministry.It asks that the Council be tasked with monitoring the government's fiscal announcements for any year, providing its own forecasts and analysis for these, and to advise the ministry on when to trigger the escape clause provision."It is proposed that it should comprise a chairperson and two members, to be appointed by the central government. The persons to be appointed ought to have significant experience in public finance, economics or public affairs," the panel said."To ensure they function independently, such persons should not be in the current service of the government, should have a non-renewable term of .
Revenue deficit for FY18 is projected at 59% of fiscal deficit target of Rs 5.47 lakh cr
FRBM committee report sets a roadmap to achieve fiscal deficit of 2.5% of GDP by 2023
The N K Singh panel is expected to submit the new fiscal consolidation roadmap report on Monday
But the report will not be made public till the day of the 2017-18 Union Budget
According to the memorandum, the FRBM review committee's chairman had sought extension to the deadline
Report likely to 'excuse clauses'; May suggest new law
With govt and RBI already upping the ante by setting an inflation target for the next five years, it is imperative that there is a broader consensus on the fiscal deficit target as well
Idea was to provide a flexibility to the government to deal with variables like global volatility, the monsoon, and slow private investment
The existing FRBM Act prescribes a target fiscal deficit of 3% of GDP
The panel will review the working of the FRBM Act over the last 12 years and suggest the path forward, keeping in mind the broad objective of fiscal consolidation
Shaktikanta Das said he had hope that the constitutional amendment on a goods and services tax would be passed by Parliament