Motilal Oswal Financial Services on Monday said it plans to raise up to Rs 1,000 crore by issuing non-convertible debentures (NCDs) through public issue. The company proposes to raise through the Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) of the face value of Rs 1,000 each for an amount up to Rs 500 crore (Base Issue Size), with a green shoe option of up to Rs 500 crore, cumulatively aggregating up to Rs 1,000 crore. There are eight series of NCDs carrying fixed coupons and having a tenure of 24 months, 36 months, 60 months, and 120 months with annual, monthly and at maturity interest options. Effective annual yield for NCDs ranges from 8.85 per cent to 9.70 per cent per annum, Motilal Oswal Financial Services said in a regulatory filing. At least 75 per cent of the funds raised through this issue will be used for the purpose of meeting working capital requirement and repayment of existing liabilities and the balance amount would be utilised for general corporate purposes
The new funds will be utilized to bolster the company's robust monetisation plans and propel it on its path to break-even and beyond, said Ankush Sachdeva, CEO and Cofounder, ShareChat and Moj
Homegrown social media company ShareChat on Monday announced it has raised USD 49 million (about Rs 407 crore) by way of convertible debentures from existing investors Lightspeed, Temasek and Alkeon Capital, among others. The capital raise will help the company invest further in its ad targeting technology as well as in continuing the growth of consumer transactions business on ShareChat Live and Moj Live, according to a release. "ShareChat (Mohalla Tech Pvt Ltd) announced the closure of its USD 49 million funding round via convertible debentures led by existing investors Lightspeed, Temasek, Alkeon Capital, Moore Strategic Ventures and HarbourVest, amongst others," the release said. ShareChat app is already operationally profitable, and short video app Moj is expected to achieve operational profitability over the next few months, it said. As the company marches towards profitability, it announced an organisation-wide ESOP bonus programme that will double the ESOP ownershi
The foreign currency loan could range from seven to ten years, with the pricing likely linked to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, said the people, who asked not to be named
Fintech player Angel One on Friday said it has raised Rs 1,500 crore through the Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP) route to fund working capital requirements of the company. The issue, which was opened on March 26 and concluded on April 2, received an overwhelming response from both domestic and foreign institutional investors, Angel One said in a statement. The company has allotted 58.71 lakh equity shares to institutional investors at a floor price of Rs 2,555.01 apiece, aggregating the transaction size to Rs 1,500 crore. After the allotment of shares, the paid-up equity share capital of the company stood at Rs 8.98 crore. The fund raised through QIP would be utilised for funding the margin obligations that are fulfilled on behalf of the clients and the margin trading facility provided to clients; future growth requirements and general corporate purpose. "The successful completion of this QIP marks a significant milestone in our journey, as we capitalise the business for i
Fund has raised Rs 200 cr in commitments from investors, will focus on early-stage opportunities
Nuvama also expects to raise another $100 million from the region for a new public equities long-short product
L&T added, these funds would be raised in the form of external commercial borrowings, term loans, non-convertible debentures, or any other instrument as may be appropriate
The group, controlled by Indian billionaire Shapoor Mistry, has reached out to Power Finance for up to Rs 15,000 crore, the largest chunk in the planned fundraising, the people said
Hyderabad-based company will use money to build studio, invest in technology, strengthen production pipelines
NaBFID, as the institution is called, is likely to sell bonds with tenors spanning from 10 to 20 years in the financial year starting April 1, the people said
In the past one month, the global digital services and solutions provider's stock has underperformed in the market falling by 14 per cent. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was down by 0.04 per cent
It's the fourth time within two years that the co-founder has tapped investors through a block sale of IndiGo shares, according to data compiled by Bloomberg
LIC Housing Finance, the mortgage arm of insurance behemoth LIC, plans to mobilise funds through green bonds in the coming financial year with an aim to finance environmentally-sustainable housing projects. "Green financing is something that we will look at the next year and we would deploy the fund for financing green housing projects," LIC Housing Finance MD and CEO Tribhuwan Adhikari told PTI in an interaction. LIC Housing Finance will have its board meeting on March 7 to consider and approve the borrowing plan for 2024-2025 through loans or issue of redeemable non-convertible debentures, zero couponed bonds, subordinate debt, Tier II bonds or any other means approved by the regulator. Adhikari said the company hopes to hit the net profit of Rs 5,000 crore-milestone by the end of current financial year on the back of robust loan demand and expansion in non-core business. The non-core businesses include Loan Against Property (LAP) and affordable housing finance, he ...
The primary market will see a flurry of activity in March, with at least three companies including Gopal Snacks will float their initial public offerings (IPOs) in the upcoming week to raise Rs 1,325 crore collectively. The other two companies which are set to launch their maiden public issues are -- RK Swamy and JG Chemicals. Additionally, Bengaluru-based luxury furniture brand Stanley Lifestyles and Krystal Integrated Services are expected to float their initial share-sales later this month, according to merchant bankers. Market experts attributed the bustling IPO activity to various factors, including impressive post-listing returns from recent public offerings and the robust macroeconomic conditions. So far this year, 16 companies launched their IPOs to mobilise Rs 13,000 crore, while Rs 224-crore initial share-sale of Mukka Proteins is slated to conclude on March 4. This came after 58 maiden public issues initiated in 2023 to garner Rs 52,637 crore. This included the Rs ...
"For overseas borrowings, we may also evaluate dollar bonds as there has been lot of interest by overseas investors in Indian corporates."
The company's board is scheduled to meet on February 27 to consider fundraising via equity or debt instruments.
SpiceJet on Thursday said it has secured an additional Rs 316 crore, taking its total funds raised to Rs 1,060 crore through a preferential share issue. The fresh capital infusion in the struggling airline comes amid its recent announcement of slashing its workforce by 10-15 per cent. In January SpiceJet had received Rs 744 crore as the first tranche of funds through the allotment of securities on a preferential basis. On December 12, the airline had said it would raise fresh capital of Rs 2,250 crore through issuance of securities. "SpiceJet has raised an additional Rs 316 crore, bringing the total investments raised to Rs 1,060 crore under its preferential issue," the airline said in a statement. It added, "The Preferential Allotment Committee of SpiceJet's Board Directors convened on February 21, 2024, approved the allotment of 4.01 crore equity shares on a preferential basis to two investors, including Aries Opportunities Fund Limited." The committee also sanctioned the allot
It raised Rs 5,476 crore through medium-term loans, Rs 2,782 crore through short-term credit, and Rs 1,500 crore via taxable bonds in April-December 2023
Cactus Venture Partners on Wednesday announced that it has raised Rs 630 crore for its maiden fund to invest in early growth stage startups. This is the final close for the fund, which will invest in climate technology, health technology and business-to-business software as a service company backed by purpose-driven entrepreneurs. CVP will focus on Series A and early Series B fundraising stages, targeting companies that have established Product-Market Fit (PMF), a statement said. The statement said 60 per cent of the capital commitments have come from domestic sources, while the remaining are from international limited partners from the US, Singapore, EU, and the UK. Domestic backers include SIDBI, Self-Reliant India Fund, and the UP Startup Fund, it added. Its general partner Rajeev Kalambi said the support received underscores the growing confidence in the Indian startup ecosystem. The current portfolio includes five companies, and CVP is targeting to make an additional 8-10 .